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Before, Rainbow wasn’t the changeling with a broken face or the large insectoid Throax had changed into before. Amid her attack, he had changed into a yeti. A towering quadrupedal beast of the arctic areas, hind legs like those of a jungle cat, a broad chest of a lion, but a near furless face of the same species with no discernible ears. Its fur was a mix of large tufts of thick, white fur over its chest that hid the muscular form underneath. The rest of its legs and torso were a darker, mated grey fur that showed its refined, sculpted anatomy. The hindquarters, much like its front paws and face, were all but bare, dark grey skin. What ultimately stood out were the unnatural flooded orange eyes that matched a small four-pronged growth of skin that sat almost like a crown atop its forehead.
Unlike so many other creatures Thorax could have taken, what was unique about this form was the five semi-apposable clawed toes it wielded on each front paw. One paw, in particular, that still held Rainbow’s by the fetlock. There was no opposable thumb, but all five digits had been wrapped with such a painfully strong hold that it didn’t matter.
“Let me know if I grip too tight!”
In the blink of an eye, Rainbow was lifted off her hind legs.
Rainbow tried to gasp. Her back, her head, and her wings were all throbbing and aching. None of those aches or pains compared to the agony of what she felt in her foreleg, still gripped in Thorax’s hold.
In one fell swoop, Thorax had lifted her up and swung her down from over his head onto her back, slamming her down onto the unforgiving, unmoving, frozen ground.
She could barely breathe. Her lungs demanded she cough, but instead, she choked and wheezed.
Thorax, stood over her, his new, vicious, beastly form, sneering down at her with hungry eyes and that viousious mouth of giant, sharpened teeth.
“I’m sorry,” he mockingly cooed as he wiggled her limp foreleg in his paw. “I thought I was grabbing you gently enough to lift you. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
Too caught up in the moment, Chrysalis had to call out a warning.
“Thorax, you idiot, look out!”
The sound of rapid insect wings buzzing grew louder, and Thorax turned in time to see Frons gut-checked in Vertex’s shoulder, diving bombing in toward him.
Vertex charged his horn at the last moment, erupting a blaze of green around his impact. It struck Thorax in the chest, creating an explosion that separated all parties in different directions.
Spitfire spun around from the changeling’s chest to see the mini explosion’s aftermath.
“Dash!” She shouted, now panicking and jumping off the battered changeling’s ragdolled body.
Slowly, Anetenn brought a hoof to his face, brushing a way chips and chunks of busted carapce. One eye was swollen shut already, the other barely opened at all. He tried to turn to his side to stand, but was overwhelmed by the flux of pain and loose rocks or pebbles left jumbling in his mouth.
Instead of trying to stand, he took a deep breath and used the air to spit the loose gravel he must have taken in during the beating. Unfortunately, with the one eye still granting him vision, as he spat, all he could see leaving his mouth were teeth.
“Canterlot wasn’t this bad… Oww.”
Over with Rainbow, Spitfire quickly made her way to her downed Wonderbolt’s side to asses her injuries, rightfully concerned, given the mare’s state.
“Dash! Dash! Oh, my gosh. This is bad. Can you still move?”

Okay, so while changelings are certainly difficult to work on… damn… fuck everything about having to work on a yeti. Besides the fact that Hasbro couldn’t just keep the design simple like a normal fucking sasquatch, they had to turn into some emaciated quadruped with paws that turn into almost-fingers when the scene calls for it.
Then again… I’m the idiot who wrote this damn thing into the story and thought it was a good idea to make story art for it. So, this is me bitching about the problems I’ve created for myself.


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