Character LoRAs - Want more character variety? Then check This List!
👻 Ghost Signatures! Want to know how to easily remove them? - Check Here!


Last updated

Revision history


  • What is this place and why is my art here?
  • Is this a Derpibooru alternative?
  • Is it possible to remain anonymous on this website? What benefits do I get from registering?
  • Who runs this site?
  • How can I help out on the site?

Rule Explanations

  • Rule 0: What does "attempt to cause fights or drag the site down in flamewars" mean?
  • Rule 0: What does harass mean?
  • Rule 0: What is discrimination?
  • Rule 1: I'm an artist, can I post my non-AI related works here?
  • Rule 1: I have a sketch from an artist, can I use that?
  • Rule 1: About artist similarity, can I use style prompts?
  • Rule 7: What is graphic or highly controversial?
  • Rule 8: What is a public figure?
  • Rule 9: What are "ghost signature"?
  • Rule 9: What is spam in this context?

Images, Tags, and Sources

  • What are tags?
  • What tags should I add to an image?
  • Can I add any tag I want to images?
  • I found two tags that mean the same thing, what should I do?
  • Who can edit tags and the source URL on an image?
  • How do I update images?
  • What is the difference between favorites and votes?


  • How do I delete my account?
  • How do I rename my account?
  • Someone registered an account name I want to use and isn't using it, can I have it?

Bans and Deletions

  • Why am I banned? How do I appeal it?
  • Why was my upload deleted?

Technical Questions

  • Why do I keep getting logged out?
  • What is 'philomena'?

Takedowns and Do-Not-Post Requests

  • Can I get my artwork removed?
  • You're violating my copyright and I want to sue you!
  • I don't want an image I commissioned on this site, how do I delete it?