There are 34,040 non-deleted images total in our database. Of these, 104 images were uploaded in the last 24 hours.
This net total excludes the 41 images that have been deleted or marked as duplicates.
There are 308 comments on the site. Of these, 16 have been deleted.
In the last 24 hours, 18 comments have been posted.
There are, on average, 0 comments on each image on the site.
Out of 34,040 images, 24,138 images have a score above 0, and 241 images have a score below 0. 21,704 images have been faved by at least one user.
In our 5 forums there have been 24 topics started. There have been 352 replies to topics in total.
There are 1,022 users on the site. Of these, 58 have joined in the last 24 hours.
There are 118 existing image galleries on the site, created by 20 distinct creators. There are, on average, 57 images in each gallery.
In total, images have been added to galleries 6,969 times.
We have received 61 reports. Out of these reports, 3 reports are outstanding and awaiting action.
On the last 250 reports we've received, it's taken us on average 2 hour(s) between a report being made and the report being resolved.
Upload History