Character LoRAs - Want more character variety? Then check This List!

Character LoRAs

Last updated

Revision history

List of LoRAs for characters base models may have no knowledge of or struggle with.
While many of the characters listed below may be known to a base model (and thus generally not needed), offshoots of them tend to have pony-specific information diluted and may benefit from a LoRA to reinforce them.
As well, SDXL LoRAs usually work to some degree even if the base models are not the same; for example, PonyV6 LoRAs often work in Illustrious based models, even if not as well.
NOTE: Trigger words are as provided by the source; some may be extraneous and autogenerated, so need not always apply.

This list is very much a work in progress!

Please help us add to it by posting any new you know of in this forum thread, thanks!

G4 Characters

Encompassing the whole of the Friendship is Magic show, Equestria Girls, both movies and specials, IDW, G4 toy-only characters, etc.

A - G:

Character Character Character
Ace Caramel Discord
Adagio Dazzle #1 Care Package Doctor Caballeron
Adagio Dazzle #2 Carrot Cake Donut Joe
Allie Way Cayenne Double Diamond #1
Amber Laurel Chancellor Neighsay Double Diamond #2
Amethyst Star Cheerilee Ember
Angel Wings Cheese Sandwich #1 Endless Clouds
Apple Bloom Cheese Sandwich #2 Fancy Pants
Apple Fritter Cherries Jubilee Featherweight
Applejack Cherry Berry Filthy Rich #1
Aria Blaze Chipcutter Filthy Rich #2
Autumn Blaze #1 Clear Sky Fire Flare
Autumn Blaze #2 Cloud Kicker Firelight (Starlight’s Dad)
Barley Barrel & Pickle Barrel Cloudchaser #1 Flash Magnus
Berryshine (aka Berry Punch) Cloudchaser #2 Flash Sentry
Beuford Cloudy Quartz Fleetfoot
Big Bucks Coco Pommel Fleur-de-Lis
Big Macintosh Coloratura Flim & Flam
Blossomforth Coloratura (+Countess) Flitter #1
Blueberry Cloud Cookie Crumbles Flitter #2
Bow Hothoof Copper Top Fluttershy
Braeburn Countness Coloratura Funnel Web
Bulk Biceps Cozy Glow Gallus
Button Mash Cranky Doodle Donkey Gilda
Candy Apples Cup Cake Golden Harvest
Capper #1 Daring Do Grace Manewitz
Capper #2 Daybreaker Greta
Captain Celaeno Diamond Tiara Grogar

H - Q:

Character Character Character
High Winds Limestone Pie Nurse Sweetheart
Hoity Toity Little Strongheart Ocellus
Indigo Zap Lotus Blossom Octavia
Inky Rose #1 Luster Dawn Octavia #2
Inky Rose #2 Lyra Heartstrings Party Favor
Jack Pot Mane-iac Pear Butter
Jasmine Tea March Gustysnows Petunia Paleo
Jet Set Mayor Mare #1 Petunia Petals #1
Jetstream Mayor Mare #2 Petunia Petals #2
Junebug Midnight Sparkle Photo Finish #1
Juniper Montage Minuette Photo Finish #2
Kerfuffle #1 Mistmane Pie Hater Dash
Kerfuffle #2 Mjölna Pinkie Pie
Kerfuffle #3 Moondancer #1 Pipsqueak
Kettle Corn Moondancer #2 Pistachio #1
King Sombra #1 Moonlight Raven Pistachio #2
King Sombra #2 Ms. Harshwhinny Pixel Pizzaz
King Sombra (Mirror Universe) Ms. Peachbottom Plaid Stripes
Kiwi Lollipop & Supernova Zap Mudbriar Posey Shy
Lemon Hearts Night Glider #1 Prince Blueblood
Lighthoof #1 Night Glider #2 Princess Amore
Lighthoof #2 Night Light Princess Celestia
Lightning Dust #1 Nightmare Moon Princess Flurryheart
Lightning Dust #2 Nightmare Rarity Princess Luna
Lily Longsocks Nurse Redheart #1 Queen Chrysalis
Lily Valley Nurse Redheart #2 Queen Novo

R - Z:

Character Character Character
Radiant Hope Soarin’ #2 Tender Taps
Rainbow Dash Somnambula Terramar
Rainbowshine Sonata Dusk Thorax (King Sized)
Rarity Songbird Serenade #1 Tirek
Raspberry Vinaigrette #1 Songbird Serenade #2 Toola Roola & Coconut Cream
Raspberry Vinaigrette #2 Sour Sweet Torque Wrench
Raven (aka Raven Inkwell) Sphinx Tree Hugger
Rockhoof Spike Trixie
Rolling Thunder Spitfire #1 Trouble Shoes
Sapphire Shores Spitfire #2 Twilight Sparkle
Sassy Saddles #1 Sprinkle Medley Twilight Sparkle (Future)
Sassy Saddles #2 Star Swirl Twilight Velvet
Scootaloo Star Tracker Twinkleshine
Screwball Starlight Glimmer Twist #1
Sea Swirl Stellar Flare Twist #2
Shady Daze Stygian Upper Crust
Shimmy Shake #1 Sugar Belle Vapor Trail #1
Shimmy Shake #2 Sugar Moonlight Vapor Trail #2
Shining Armor #1 Sugarcoat Wallflower Blush
Shining Armor #2 Sunburst Walter
Shoeshine Sunflower Spectacle White Lightning (aka Lightning Bolt)
Silver Spoon Sunny Flare Wind Sprint
Silverstream Sunny Skies Windy Whistles
Sky Stinger #1 Sunset Shimmer Yona
Sky Stinger #2 Sweet Biscuit Zecora
Smolder Sweetie Belle Zephyr Breeze #1
Snow Hope Sweetie Drops (Bon Bon) Zephyr Breeze #2
Soarin’ #1 Tempest Shadow #1||

G5 Characters

Encompassing the G5 movie, both shows, shorts and specials, IDW, toy-only characters, etc.
Character Character Character
Allura Luminous Dazzle Seashell
Argyle Starshine Minty (G5) Shutter Snap
Arpeggia Misty Brightdawn #1 Snuzzle
Blue Belle Misty Brightdawn #2 Sugar Moonlight
Comet Misty Brightdawn #3 Sunny Starscout #1
Dahlia Onyx Sunny Starscout #2
Dazzle Feather Opaline Arcana Thunder Flap
Dragon Fountain Peach Fizz Velvet Starscout
Fantastic Shimmer Phyllis Cloverleaf Violet Frost
Fifi Pipp Petals #1 Violette Rainbow
Flowa Queen Pipp Petals #2 Windy
Glory Posey Bloom Zipp Storm #1
Izzy Moonbow #1 Princess Majestic Zipp Storm #2
Izzy Moonbow #2 Queen Haven Zoom Zephyrwing
Jazz Hooves #1 Rocky Riff
Jazz Hooves #2 Ruby Jubilee

G1-G3.5 Characters

For all characters prior to G4.

OC & non-canon Characters

Popular fandom OCs, ponifications, and non-canon characters.
Character Character Character
Anonfilly / Filly Anon #2 Dreamer (Wild Manes) Oleander (TFH)
Anonfilly / Filly Anon #1 Ermine Frosting Perla (Wild Manes)
Athena Fausticorn Princess Tempora
Baihe (TFH) Finley (Wild Manes) Rusty Gears
Bailey (Wild Manes) Floor Bored Snow Ponies
Bay Breeze Fluffle Puff #1 Snowdrop
Blackjack Fluffle Puff #2 Sonata
Bridget (Wild Manes) Kimono Silk Star Song
Candi (Wild Manes) Koraru Koi Stronghoof (TFH)
Cashmere (TFH) Logical Leap Velvet Remedy #1
Cherie (Wild Manes) Lustrous Velvet Remedy #2
Cocoa (Wild Manes) Marquis Majordome Whispy Slippers
Cream Heart Nidra (TFH) Windy Barebow Evergreen