Character LoRAs - Want more character variety? Then check This List!

LoRA - Characters

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Thread to compile known character LoRAs

Not all characters are well known (or at all) in PonyV6 or other SDXL models, so LoRAs are often required for quick gens. Multiple LoRAs for lesser known characters already exist, but are not always easy to find. Herein I’d like to list known ones.
Of course, please comment in the thread with the ones you’re aware of, and any additional info you might have for it, like base model (PonyV6 for 99% of them, but still), trigger words, strength, etc. and I’ll add them to the first post(s) the page above as soon as I can.

cleaned up to cut clutter

Background pony enjoyer
If this is going to eventually bloom into more background pony art, as an enjoyer of these mares you’re doing a god’s work right here, I applaud and cheer for your noble mission.
Posted Report

I would hope so!
There are a lot of characters, still have to go through several dozens that I’m already aware. And I need to generate some 60 preview images, the default for many tend to be anthro / borderline NSFW…
But hopefully in a week or two this’ll make a nice useful list of character LoRAs.
Posted Report

Wanting some opinions…
As you can see, that’s a lot of characters. And I still have some 100 more to add, plus things like alt outfits and the like.
What I’m running in is the fuzzy separation between Background Character - Minor Character - Primary Character. Lyra is a background character, but she did have a few lines in one episode, so does that push her to Minor? Daring Do, not really important to the “overarching plot” of the series, but she’s a fully developed character in more than one episode, so does that push her from Minor to Primary?
That sort of thing.
So basically, does anyone care about these sort of distinctions, how much? Or should I just go fully alphabetical (and split by A-G, H-P, Q-Z or the like)?
Bendy and Boney

dressed in baloney
I think alphabetical or maybe also organization by season/generation/other medium of origin (e.g. comics/movie/specials) is what I’d do.

ADHD fueled
I think Alphabetical will be the most useful, as everyone has different definitions of minor/background/major. The only actual distinctions should be between objective things like generations. Maybe even make male/female or adult/foal distinctions? idk, but alphabetical is probably enough.
Scarlet Ribbon

True Wildcard
If you still want to sort by category, Major, Minor, Incidental, and Background Character is another degree of separation. Incidental characters would be characters that do play some kind of role in an episode vs background characters which could literally not exist and nothing would change.

DJ HORN3 took the wheel
I think this grouping makes sense. I’d remove the separation to background/minor.
Consider separating the characters by newlines instead of commas, like this:
Maybe with separate groups for every letter of alphabet and maybe spread into several vertical columns.
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