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“Hey Mom…Sorry, I can’t really talk much right now, I’m kind of in the middle of something… but what’s up?”
See comment section below for a lovely lewd TG TF BE corruption etc story a very generous anon is writing
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:
Part 5.5:
Part 6:
Part 7:
Part 8:
Part 9:
Part 10:
(this is Part 11)
Part 12:
Part 13:
Part 14:
Part 15:
Part 16:
Part 17:
Part 18:
Part 19:
Part 20:
Part 21:
Part 22:
Part 23:
Part 24:
Part 25:
Part 26:
Part 27:

safe14427 ai generated41241 automatically imported33038 derpibooru import33211 prompter:horselover fat231 oc4675 oc only4029 unicorn9141 anthro14719 adorasexy751 big breasts6885 boots434 breasts16964 busty oc122 cellphone83 chair322 chaos7 choker827 clothes15126 collar1271 computer104 cute4508 desk231 female38812 high heel boots136 horn15481 huge breasts2196 human to anthro37 implied breast expansion22 implied transformation52 implied transgender transformation46 jacket550 laptop computer14 monitor33 not rarity88 office chair66 open mouth5782 part of a series79 part of a set251 phone120 sexy4947 shoes1061 shorts585 sitting2585 solo31134 story in the comments44 story included349 surreal88 talking137 tank top210 trippy33 unicorn oc256 weird54 white shirt128


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Background Pony #42F9
@Background Pony #42F9
Gonna have to post my part sometime in the morning (it’s night here as I type), didn’t get to write much today.
Spoiler: It’s mostly going to just be a character piece as Alex goes through Tuesday, his first day back as a guy, has a little excursion to the mansion ahead of their planned hook-up, etc. Nothing major, more like setting the stage for further stuff. I figure with the mansion event coming up, might as well keep it in day-by-day mode for right now and hold off on time-skips until after.
If you want to go ahead and post the next one before I get the story up, feel free.

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Background Pony #42F9
Part 11
Spoilered: vulgar, suggestive/questionable content, TF, growth, mind stuff
After clocking in, Lexi took the left spiral downwards and emerged on the studio floor. The helpful drones, synthetically conjured beings of chaotic pseudoflesh that did work behind the scenes, were already busy and paid her no heed, their limited attention and capacities focused strictly on their assigned tasks. Lexi set her purse down and took up her marked position, a chair by the desk that held multiple monitors for keeping up with the flow of information. One of them contained some short prompts and canned phrases to slip into her commentary; she liked to always have something ready to go. It wasn’t long before she got the signal that they were live.
“Welcome back, unicornographers! It’s ya girl, Lexi the Sexi, cumming with you live from The Cam-Horse Stable once more! Sorry for the interruption, but we’re back with a new hosting service so it’s all kosher now as long as we keep the swear filter on,” Lexi said cheerfully as she tapped the choker. That’s right, sexy li’l Lexi is back for good as long as she doesn’t say poopy, pee-pee, fudge, no-no zone, wiener lollipop, mommy-lover, or a four-letter word for a lady’s yum-yums!” she said with demonstrative gestures. “You know the ones! Everything else goes as far as the censors are concerned, so if you have a comment you want me to read just remember to keep those 7 unspeakable words out of it!” she said with a giggle.
“Okay, I’m glad to see so many of you are back with us!” she said, watching the view count climb 5% higher than the waiting list had been. “Let’s get some announcements out of the way before the fun begins! Unfortunately we lost a lot of supporters during the transition, so this will be our Inaugural Grow-nation Drive!” As she shook her chest, one of the drones inserted the sound of horses whinnying. “That’s right, we’re going to let your support feed these galloping girlies today! One lucky donor will get to do the honors, so remember to have BJ-over-IP enabled on your end if you feel as generous as these babies. Because just between you and me,” she smiled, cupping her hands around her mouth and whispering to the mic, “I need all the support I can get, if you know what I mean!”
“I see a lot of young studs in the audience today; shoutout to fattycarbuncle who just dropped us a fiver and says ‘i listen to you all the time, your show gets me through the workday’ Aw, thanks fatty! Hope you’re not in childcare, hehe! Five bucks from Zephr-OhGodNotTheBees and he asks ‘what do you do when you’re not on the horse clock?’ Heh, well you know me, I’m always on the horse clock!” she chuckled and wriggled in her seat. “Shoutout to xXTiaraXx who just couldn’t wait to tell me ‘ur so pretty, i luv ur mane.’ Aaaaaawwwww, Tiara! Thank you! I love you just the mostest! Let’s give a mutual hug, okay?” Lexi enthusiastically wrapped her arms around herself and squeezed, pivoting in her chair. “Hugs and smoochies, Tiara! Thanks again!”
“Now don’t forget, starting in hour number two we’re doing our six-hour Mare-athon! That’s right, we’re teaming up with some extra special colleagues today to kick off our return to the tubes. Each hour we’ll have a special guest on for some spicy fun! Oh, I’m just so excited you guys!” Lexi said, bouncing enthusiastically. “I’ve looked up to these ladies for such a long time! That’s right, all our guests today are former stars of the Internet Pony show! First up, Doctor Thotlette Sexdoll will drop in to share some things she’s learned as a PhD sex therapist! We’ll both try to make it through an interview, and then some audience Q and A, so be sure to send in those donorchat questions! Just tell her your kink, and she’ll tell you why it’s normal. And the whole time, we’ll both be using teledildonics controlled by our chat! These are provided by our sponsor, The Tech’s Sex Shop and Internet Cafe! Don’t forget to click through for a special offer! All of our viewers can get a coupon code for 10% off today only with ‘lexisexi10,’ that’s l-e-x, i-s-e, x-i and the number 10! Your support and theirs helps keeps us in oats here at The Cam-Horse Stable.” She pointed to an area below her bust where another drone edited in the sponsored URL and coupon code.
“After Dr. Sexdoll, we’ll be catching up with Rainbow Ditz for her secrets to staying trim and tight! Your girl Lexi could stand to get in some more cardio, don’t you think? Ooo, we’re already so far in with our Grow-nation drive, and this fiver from FlyingFeatherbrain gets us this comment: ‘looking forward to some hands-on physical s-training!’ Aw yeah, I know what you mean, buddy! Looking forward to that part myself!” Lexi bit her lip, feeling energized as the view count went up and the donation counter was already a third of the way to the 4k goal.
“In hour three, Bare-itty will be dropping in with some awesome fashion tips! Sometimes I feel so unfashionable, I’d probably be better off throwing all my clothes in the trash and going au naturale. Well, Miss Bare-itty is going to tell us why that’s actually a valid approach! Even still, I hope we get to take each other’s measurements, don’t you? The way this Grow-nation drive is going, it might be our last chance for a little Before and After! Keep it coming to keep us cumming, my happy little monkeys!”
“Speaking of monkeys, our fourth guest will be the adorably snuggle-able Butterthighs! Oh my gosh, you guys, she’s so cute and lovely and AAAAAAAAAAAAH!” Lexi squealed. “She’ll have some friends along to give us some tips and tricks for hooking up with any animal lover, and then we’ll see if Butterthighs really do melt in your mouth! Don’t forget to check out her stream when you get a chance! You get to see a close-up of cute animals in the foreground as she exercises some ‘self-care’ in the background, there’s something for everybody! Go check her out! But not before clicking that Like button and hey, why not become one of our subby-scribers? You can fall in at the Sub-porter level for only a dollar a week, or our Premium Membership level at $10 per month! Premium Members get to ship THEIR premium members with exclusive Lexi the Sexy merch. We’re almost out of stock for our Lexi ‘dirty’ neck pillows, so get your cranium cradled in comfort before they’re all gone! Plus, every month we’ll release a new 3D STL file of me, Li’l Lexi! Print it at home or send it to our sponsor, 3D Treatie, for an exclusive full-color statuette printed every month and shipped to your door in a discrete, unmarked package! We love discrete packages here at The Cam-Horse Stable, let me tell you!”
“After that, hour five is dedicated to that fabulous farmgirl Ample-rack! That’s right, she’s taking some time off from filling the farmhands to fill us in on why she made the switch to dairy farming! Whatever her secret is, if you like your partners tall, buff, blond, and buxom then you absolutely have to stop by and say ‘howdy!’ Speaking of howdies, another donation from OwO-lowlicious tips us over 75% of the way towards our goal! Oh my god, everyone! Thank you so much! We need your help to grow our channel, among other things, so keep pouring it on!” Lexi squirmed happily as the viewer and subscriber counts kept rising, almost back to where they were on the old site.
“Finally, our sixth hour features the sweetest pastry queen who’s last-but-not-least with a big yummy feast, it’s Kinkie Pie! She’ll be here to show us if the way to a Lexi’s heart is through her stomach, but don’t worry! We’ll also explore some other options,” she said with a wink. “Are there any foods that really work as an aphrodisiac? Well personally, your continued love and support is all the aphrodisiac I need! But she’ll show us how to be totally bitchin’ in your kitchen, and keep some lovin’ in your oven! So keep watching for the risque-est recipes ever! Then we’ll take some questions and do our dinner stream, followed by Gamer’s Delight Night! Our schedule is pretty packed today, so-”
A red light began pulsing throughout the studio, accompanied by the sound of fanfare. Confetti streamers fell from their nest in the ceiling, fluttered down around the lewd streamer, and (out-of-frame) started crawling to the baited traps set for it by the drones before the shoot began.
“Ohmigosh, you guys! You already met our daily Grow-nation goal! Thankyouthankyouthankyou!” Lexi cried ecstatically. “Our lucky winner today is… me, of course! But getting lucky with me is @SpikeTheDragonLayer, whose premium member will be doing the honors! Are you there, Spikey Wikey? Accept this invite request and start pushing through the screen! You know what to do!” Lexi watched as one of her monitors began bulging in the middle, stretching and pulling until it was shaped into the form of an erect cock, still glowing and tattooed with the text on the screen that it sprouted from.
Lexi giggled appreciatively and gave the electronic head a light tickle with her finger before turning to face the camera again. “Wow, looks like we’re going to have to make some ‘stretch’ goals since you guys put us over the top so early! We’ll announce some new lucky winners when we set the new targets! Okay, @SpikeTheDragonLayer, ready? Here comes Lexi!”
Without hesitation she bent forward and began kissing the virtual shaft playfully. It shifted and moved as @SpikeTheDragonLayer received feedback and reacted on the other end of the Internet. After some light tonguing to set the stage, Lexi opened up and made a loud show of sliding down the glowing proxy anatomy. With practiced ease, she proceeded to give her viewer a long-distance blow job while the rest of the audience watched, inset video frames from alternate camera views trained on her bust as it swung back and forth between her arms. She put a lot into selling it, making sure everyone viewing knew how much she approved of the feel of the shafted she pumped and licked and lubricated, stroking it with her hole body driving the motion. Off to one side, a drone lumbered over and pointed out the viewership and new subs increasing as the donation total also rose past the daily goal into uncharted territory.
Soon, the backlit shaft started to twitch and pulse in rhythmic contractions. Lexi prepared herself, and series of impressive spurts filled her mouth with something warm and tingling, like tickling static on the surface of a screen. She consumed it eagerly until the pressure stopped and the computer monitor started to pull back from her mouth, flattening once more into a regular panel like the others on her desk. Lexi moaned and cleared her throat as the warmth started spreading outward into her rib cage.
“Okay my lovelies, it’s grow time!” she announced to the audience. Raising both arms and crossing them behind her head, she arched her back and angled her already large chest into a direct view of the camera. Sparks started to fire off inside her body, leaving trails of glowing neurons in their wake that flooded her brain with sensuous messages. She started to feel a second pulse throbbing in her shirt. Her breathing was getting faster and heavier in response to the wonderful signals that radiated from her chest into her brain and stroked her pleasure center. Now she was moaning out loud, shifting her hips and stretching her legs as if to encourage every nerve to soak in the delicious waves. She felt it, slowly but definite: the fabric of her shirt stretching and sliding over the warm flesh of her breasts. They had started to grow, pushing out in all directions, and pulling down with increasing weight. Lexi was fast-tracking in the direction of her first orgasm of the stream as irresistible surges rippled and bounced along the surface of her skin, her restrained cries turning into heavy sighs that bounced her enlarging tits out faster and further.
Her smartphone rang on the desk. “Oh sh-shhhh-shhhooot!” she stammered, struggling to regain her composure despite the pleasure still building. She’d forgot to put it in Do Not Disturb mode. Reluctantly pulling one eye open, Lexi saw ‘MOM’ on the caller ID screen. “Oh god… I have to… take this … call…” Lexi said apologetically and putting on a heroic effort to bring at least her breathing and voice back under control. It was a couple of seconds and several phone rings before she felt up to the task of bluffing long enough to answer the phone. Pulling her still-writhing body upright, she unlocked the phone and hoped she only sounded like she was doing some light exercise.
“Hey Mom…Sorry, I can’t really talk much right now, I’m kind of in the middle of something… but what’s up?”
“Time to wake up, sweetheart!” her mom said matter-of-factly.
Alex found himself waking up to the kick of a powerful orgasm rocking through his body. Something else was under the covers with him, he thought. Still assaulted by the climax in progress, he threw off the covers and was confronted by the sight of two large, white, gelatinous globes, shaking and tottering on top of his chest, and just finishing up a spurt of growth. He knew they were ‘his’ because he could feel the cool air of the bedroom lightly kiss the taut nipples that wobbled on top of them. Gasping for breath, he laid there and stared accusingly at them while coming down from the ride.
Tipping the heavy breasts over, he reached for the phone on his nightstand and looked at the date. It was Tuesday morning. Well, that put any doubt out of his mind. Yesterday, and the week leading up to it, were real. Alexander Alverson was stuck working for some sort of monstrous shopkeeper and his abyss-spawned 80s-themed toy store, and he was stuck in the oversexed body of a human-unicorn hybrid. A very, very female one. “Well, shit,” he said in a disturbingly feminine voice. He was confused for a moment; he wasn’t supposed to be able to say that. A quick check verified the presence of the black choker was still locked around the slender neck that passed for his. Maybe it had stopped working? “Cock. Titties. Fuck-face.” A minor victory; he’d take it. “Guess your choker doesn’t work anymore, does it sir?” he asked mockingly. Wait… he’d never call that shambling beast ‘sir’ by choice. He tried to say ‘Creepy Boss.’ “Sir,” he heard escaping his mouth instead. “Well, damn. Guess it’s not over yet.”
All he saw in the mirror was a busty, naked unicorn girl named ‘Lexi.’ Bustier, he noticed, than she’d been even last night. Hefting them experimentally, noting their new weight, he estimated they’d added two whole cup sizes to Lexi’s previous F’s. “H for Hell,” the girl in the mirror said to give voice to Alex’s thoughts with her own. Apparently even just dreaming of the reality-eating void where he worked was enough to cause another change to his figure. He wondered how long it would be before his head-voice adopted the same register as the one that reached his ears. He had to find some way to turn back; even in this situation, after what he’d been through…. this girl’s body was so overtly sexual that it was turning him on (through itself, which was a whole ’nother dissociating experience) just to look at it in the mirror.
“There’s gotta be a way,” Alex made Lexi say as they stared into each other’s desperate eyes through the glass.

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