The Zebra ‘tracker’ of ‘Squad Cidar Tango’
Probably the only member of the team, outside of Hardtack and his future love interest Fain, that I’ve developed. Originally meant to have him be more based on Dennis Hopper’s character from ‘Apocalypse Now’, then just kinda leaned more into that kinda mindset that poor Toothen Nail (might not be his original name) has been put through the proverbial wringer and then some.
While most zebras seem to speak in a more jovial sing-song tone, Toothen’s rhyme scheme is put through this filter of battle-trauma and acquired nihilism. This was heavily inspired by Batty (Rutger Hauer) from Blade Runner during his final moments (especially when he’s chasing Deckard)
Despite this, he’s still a great tracker with exceptional hearing and sense of smell, and almost OCD levels of attention to details.
I’m happy with how this ai art result turned out, but wish I could’ve mixed in the sheer number of scars he’s meant to have. His ear is supposed to be torn, and a whole buncha other scars.