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Background Pony #CB7E
Part 18
Spoiler: Suggestive, vulgar, mind stuff, personality warping, corruption, expansion
Lexi closed and shuttered the shop Sunday evening and was about to do the routine end-of-day tasks when Creepy Boss appeared.
“Lassie, I got some notes on how ya handled tha workload taday,” he uttered through the thick, bristly white beard.
“Yes, sir?” Lexi asked, folding her hands politely and tuning in with her full attention. A reliable, subordinate employee was always looking for feedback on their work.
“Ferst, yer clothin’s jus’ a wee bit too conservative fer this audience.”
Lexi blinked in confusion. True, she’d picked a shirt that covered up her cleavage today. Wasn’t that more professional and appropriate? She’d make a note to try dressing ‘down’ a little more tomorrow and see how that goes over.
“Secund, ye’r too standoffish with tha customers. Especially the young lads. We’re aimin’ ta make ‘em feel welcome and free ta browse, not ta chase ‘em out an’ make ‘em feel like they don’ belong. Some o’ that sass ye’r servin’ ‘em comes across as mighty intim’datin’.”
Lexi frowned. True, she’d had to shoot down a lot of advances from the guys who were constantly loitering and leering, filling the store up with the smell of their lust. Was that wrong? She didn’t think so, but maybe she’d have to change her approach. If being more, well, diplomatic was going to be part of the job, maybe she could try to set her unease aside. It would be something she’d have to work on, then.
“Third, ya gotta unnerstant by now tha’ ye’r part o’ tha shop’s image. Like a mascot, ya might say. It ain’t right fer a mascot ta look like she’s countin’ tha seconds ‘til closin’ time. Ya gotta smile more, lass, an’ enjoy yer werk.”
Lexi sighed. She really was counting down the seconds ‘til closing every day, and she did not enjoy her work much at all. True, she was a reliable and subordinate employee, but… well, the job just wasn’t fun. She hated retail, she hated being around the customers, and as things got weirder she hated being steeped in an almost visible fog of male attention the whole time. But what she said to Creepy Boss was a subordinate “Yes, sir. I’ll do my best.”
“I trust ya will, lassie,” he said. “Do right by tha rules, and ye’ll have more ‘sponsibilities in tha near fyoocher. Speakin’ o’ which,” he said, pulling a small box from some pocket or other and putting it on the counter. Unhooking the catch, the plastic case flipped open to reveal a silken pillow, like the kind found in jewelry boxes, and sitting in a dimple in the center of that pillow was a shiny little sphere roughly the size of a marble.
“What’s that, sir?” she asked apprehensively.
“Can’ be takin’ maternity leave,” he explained with a hard gleam on his beady eyes. “It’s got some other, le’s say side-effects. Fer ‘xample, it’s sher ta blow yer fat tits way up.”
Lexi froze. Her ‘fat tits’ were already getting to be a problem, what with the huge amount Selene had to spend on bras for her just last week. Plus, their weight was starting to take its toll on her body. Already she was beginning to feel sore after carrying them around all day, and there were times it was hard to get comfortable laying down, or putting on her seatbelt when riding in a car. And of course, there was the way they drew eyeballs directly to them day in and day out, making Lexi’s chest the center of attention. They were already the largest unaugmented breasts she’d ever seen, even on porn stars. The last thing she wanted to think about was them getting even a single size larger.
“Um, sir? Am I supposed to… take that?” she asked nervously, afraid of the answer. “I mean, with a side-effect like that, isn’t there a better option?”
“Now lass, unnerstant how it’ll be good fer tha business. ‘Sides, if ya want ta do more o’ tha werk, ye’ll need ta comply with our policies,” Creepy Boss said in a measured tone that was hard to read, his eyes fixed on Lexi’s. “Ye’r a good subord’nate, reliable employee, lass. So do what yer Boss says ta, and take tha med’cine.”
“Yes sir,” Lexi replied, feeling like there wasn’t any way around this. Gently she picked up the marble-sized ‘pill’ and regarded it anxiously. Biting her lip, then letting out a helpless sigh, she opened her mouth and dropped the sphere into it. To her surprise it dissolved on contact with her tongue, leaving nothing but a vaguely medicinal aftertaste as he swallowed all her spit and smacked her lips a few times. Looking down, she half expected her chest to leap out of her shirt and land like heavy sandbags on the counter, but she didn’t feel or see anything of the sort after a few seconds.
“Tha’s a good girl,” Creepy Boss uttered with satisfaction. “Well, I’m goin’ ta tend ta other bis’ness. Close up like yooshul,” he said before disappearing somewhere into the back of the shop, leaving Lexi apprehensive and alone.
As Lexi went up and down the chaotic aisles, she mulled over her new strictures. She didn’t know how she’d be able to follow them all, but at the same time she’d have to. She was too subordinate and reliable to go against the shop’s policies. The disconnect between how she was expected to behave and how she felt about behaving that way, combined with the conviction that her breasts would turn into beach balls at any moment, was stressing her out to the extent that she bumped into one of the end cap displays and found herself buried under an avalanche of plush toys. She struggled to free herself and found her limbs entangled in one or more of them; seemed like giant-sized, psychedelic-patterned furry snakes or something. There were several snake-like heads in the pile, incongruously with cat-like whiskers on their snouts. Every time Lexi thought she’d freed a leg or an arm, she found it wrapped loosely in those stuffed coils again by the time she got another one out.
“Fudge, like I really need this poop today!” she cried in censored frustration as she turned onto her hands and knees, still covered in thick ropes of colorful plushie snake(s).
“Sssomeone’sss having a bad time,” hissed a voice from somewhere deep in the pile of fake fur and polyester stuffing. Lexi froze up in fear as the rainbow chaos-patterned serpentine coils started to slowly slither around her body. A half-dozen fluffy, whiskered snake heads began to rise up around her. She was well and truly panicking now as their coils started tightening, soft as they were, all over her. Run! her inner voice shouted. Something flickered at her right ear.
“Don’t be frightened, little one. It’s jussst me, Borisss Orro, workplaysss therap-hisss extraordinaire! I can feel sssuch tension in your little frame! Sssuch a shame, sssuch a shame. A worplaysss shouldn’t be ssstresssful! Tell me what’sss bothering you, won’t you my dear?”
Just play along until you can get free, Lexi thought. “Um, well, to start with, I hate being here in this scary nightmare shop all the time and my boss is a creep and I hate what this place is doing to my body and now it sounds like I’m going to be displayed like a fatty piece of meat for all the other creeps who hang around and I just took this pill that’s going to wreck my body even more and I don’t know if any of this is real or just a hallucination from whatever drug I just took but I HAVE TO BE A RELIABLE SUBORDINATE EMPLOYEE, OKAY?” she found herself spewing out non-stop to her own surprise, breathing hard from a mix of anger and fear.
“There there, sssee? Doesssn’t it feel better to let all of thossse apprehensionsss out into the open? Now, then, where should we ssstart?” the voice mused as Lexi’s body was continually encircled by slithering, fuzzy, soft cables as thick as her leg and the oddly whiskered plush snake heads looked her in the eyes now matter where she tried to turn. There was still somthing flickering at the fuzz of her ear, and now she felt a snake head nuzzle its way up her cheek, perch on top of her head, and start to tickle her horn with a rubbery tongue. “How about body issuesss? What exactly isss it you’re unhappy with? I think you have a wonderful figure,” hissed the voice gently from somewhere deep in the pile under her. “Ah, I sssee now. You’re upssset that you were turned from Aleksss into Leksssi, aren’t you? Be honessst, now.”
“Y-yyyyyyesss,” Lexi admitted, feeling some of the tension leave her body as she did so. Though she was still nervous, she no longer felt like her life was at stake with this… whatever it was.
“Ah, but it’sss not like you lossst everything. In fact, look at what you’ve gained! You’ve exsssperiensssed sssex from the other ssside now, and you enjoyed it! Isssn’t that right?” the voice whispered as the plush serpent-like bodies continued writhing around her, hugging tight but not constricting her.
“I… I guess,” Lexi said. She had to concede it was a lot of fun with Darius and Selene. And admitting it felt relaxing.
“And thisss ssstunning body, ssso gifted! Ssso endowed!” The fuzzy tendrils swept and caressed over her, sneaking slowly closer to her sensitive areas, and caressing her heavy breasts as they hung underneath her. “Why, you’re far more alluring than you ever usssed to be as Aleksss… isssn’t that something to be proud of?”
“I… I mean, yes, it’s… this body… is…” she tried to close her mouth against the words coming out, but they pushed through anyway. “It’s hot! A total hottie! It’s the body of a sex goddess!” she blurted out. The words reached her ears and their truth was undeniable. “I… I have the body of a sex goddess…” she conceded. Her muscles slackened, no longer taut with fear.
“There, isssn’t honesssty freeing?” the voice encouraged soothingly, still fondling its captive in the stuffed tubes of fluff. “Onssse the truth comesss out, the tension resssolvesss itssself. We’re making ssso much progresss, let’sss keep going, shall we? For eksssample, Aleksss would love thisss body, wouldn’t he?”
“Not like… not like that,” Lexi resisted. She could see the fallacy; Alex would lust after a girl with a body like this, but that didn’t mean he wanted to be the girl with it!
“Oh dear me, a denial. It’sss not jussst a river in Egypt, asss we sssay in the bisssnessss. Let’s conssstruct the truth from the piesssesss, shall we? Aleksss likesss girlsss.”
“Alex likes girls,” Lexi found herself repeating. But-
“Aleksss likes ssseksssy girlsss,” the voice interrupted before Lexi could finish her objection, derailing her train of thought still in the station. Instead of finishing it, she repeated what was true.
“Alex likes sexy girls.”
“Big boobsss are ssseksssy,” the voice asserted.
“Big boobs are sexy,” Lexi said freely.
“Leksssy likesss girlsss that Aleksss likesss,” the voice whispered as rubbery tongues flicked across her horn and tickled her ear.
“Lexi likes girls that Alex likes,” Lexi parroted.
“Leksssi isss a seksssy girl with big boobsss…” the voice led on.
“Lexi is… a sexy girl… with big boobs,” she followed, drowsily.
“Aleksss likesss that Leksssi is a ssseksssy girl with big boobsss.”
“Alex likes…. that Lexi is a… sexy girl… with big boobs.” She felt warm and tired, her arms sore from holding her body up. Her chest was so heavy (and sexy). The thick, soft, fuzzy serpents cradled her drooping head.
“Aleksss is Leksssi,” the voice continued.
“Alex … is … Lexi ….” she whispered, feeling safe and warm. The fuzzy toys felt nice against her skin, and she couldn’t raise an objection to the train of logic so far.
“Therefore, it followsss inessscapably that Leksssi likes Leksssi,” the hidden voice concluded.
“Lexi likes Lexi,” she agreed, her eyes unfocused.
“Leksssi likesss her big, ssseksssy boobsss. Leksssi likesss her ssseksssy body. Isssn’t that right, my dear?”
“Yes… Lexi likes her big, sexy boobs,” she said with a smile. “Lexi likes her sexy body.” She nearly nodded to sleep in the caress of the plus, psychedelic serpents. But instead they lifted her up to her knees. Still curling around her tightly, the rainbow-colored patterns on the fuzzy snake’s body began to shift and waver. Lexi’s eyes fixed on the six whiskered snake heads as they rose up, looking at her, holding her gaze.
“Almost done, my dear. We ssstill have to resssolve your tension about thisss job, don’t we?” Lexi nodded quietly. It was important to resolve the tensions about her job. “Good girl, Leksssi. What I heard you sssaying isss that you don’t know how to live up to the ekssspectationsss of your posssition, am I right?” She nodded dully again. “Well, perhapsss you’re missstaken about what your posssition isss. What would you call a girl whossse job isss to be pretty, to flirt, to charm, to ussse her sssex appeal? One who doesssn’t have to overthink everything? One who jussst wantsss to have fun?”
A word bubbled up through Lexi’s minimal conscious. The only word that fit. “Biiiiiiiimmmmmmmmmbo?” she offered as if through molasses.
“That’sss right! Fortunately, you already have sssome relevant ekssspertissse, though you don’t ssseem to recall. Let me show you,” the voice said as one of the six snake heads closed in and flicked a rubbery tongue from some hidden mouth, tasting Lexi’s glossy horn delicately and stimulating something in her mushy brain.
Selling a woman bubblegum. Taking a piece for herself. Cotton candy. Feeling giddy, not thinking a lot, enjoying the attention she was getting from the boys, secretly lusting after their cocks. Getting aroused almost constantly, finally going home and using a weird sex toy to fuck herself silly until she fell asleep. Waking up with a hangover, completely unaware of what happened. Her warm, squishy brain replayed it all while she watched, detached and secure in the gentle coils of her therap-hiss.
“Ssso, my dear, we merely have to find a way for you to get in-touch with that eksssperienssse again while doing your job. It’sss a sssimple matter, really. I can connect your forgotten persssonality to your waking one whenever you’re on the clock. No memory losss, no conflict, no effort at all on your part. Would you like me to do thisss for you, Leksssi? It will help you live up to your Bosss’sss ekssspectationsss.”
Lexi thought, which was a difficult thing to do. It required some deliberate effort. She’d rather just sink into these soft, warm, fluffy coils and relax, maybe take a nap. But something prodded her into decision. She had a job to do, and she was a reliable employee. If she wanted to faithfully do her job according to the new policies, she probably needed this help.
“Sure…” she agreed.
“Then it’sss all sssettled. The nekssst time you come to work, you’ll be just the professional bimbo you need to be! No more, no lesss, no ssstruggle, no messs. Now, let me just reach in here and make a few connectionsss for you. Oh, you’ll want to be asssleep for this, my dear. Jussst open up your mind and leave everything to me, and resssssssssssssssssst….”
Lexi snapped awake as her body swayed, fighting to regain its balance. She was kneeling on a pile of stuffed animal toys. She must have run into one of the aisle end caps. Pulling herself to her feet, she shrugged and brushed herself off, flicking her tail contentedly. Weirdly, her stress about living up to the new policies was gone. She looked down at her shirt. If Creepy Boss’s medicine worked like he said, those would be getting bigger soon. The thought didn’t bother her, in fact she was kind of looking forward to it. Big boobs were sexy, after all. And they’d certainly help her with the customers, which was a bonus.
Lexi stretched, feeling limber and relaxed now that all the stress of her job and even her body had melted away. Odd how just having a bad fall could clear one’s head, she thought. Must be the adrenaline. Looking at the time, she realized it was getting late. She’d better tally up the register and finish up soon if she wanted to catch her ride. But first, she had to deal with this pile of her own making. Bending down, the first toy critter she picked up was a tie-dyed looking plushie snake. It even had whiskers. How cute! She put it on the shelf, followed by all the other stuffed animals, and paid it no more mind as she went about the task of closing shop for the night.
On her way in to open up shop Monday morning, a few loiterers whistled and hooted. Lexi blushed anxiously; sure, she’d picked a top that put her cleavage on display. But did they have to carry on? She didn’t really enjoy all the attention. And her bra was feeling a little tight this morning, too. Sometimes having a sexy body felt like more trouble than it was worth.
“Mornin’, lassie,” Creepy Boss greeted her as she unshuttered the door and windows. “I see ya took our conversayshun yest’rday ta heart. Good job, girlie!”
“Thank you, sir,” she replied with customary automatic honoriffic. “I’m just trying to do my best.”
“I’m sher ya will, lass,” he said cryptically before disappearing somewhere into the shadowy realm in the back.
Lexi took a deep breath and clocked in for the day. “Hehe!” she giggled suddenly. “… huh. Wonder what that was about?” Well, she had a job to get on with. Wobbling over behind the counter, Lexi set her purse down and set up the register for sales. She felt good about working today. Hopefully her customary watchers would show up early so she could distract herself with the task of distracting them. Maybe even convince them to make a purchase. Hitching her overstuffed bra, she thought about all the looks her girls would be getting during her shift and felt a warm satisfaction flutter through her tummy. She couldn’t wait until the store was filled again with the enchanting aroma of lust.
“You’re looking bright-eyed and bushy-tailed today,” Darius said as Lexi bounced over to their usual lunch table in the food court, piña colada smoothie (extra extra wheatgrass) in hand. “Always like to see that. Any special reason?”
“Just finally getting into the hang of things work, I guess,” she said after taking along drag on her straw. “Figuring out how to get through the day with less stress.”
“Well that’s always good,” Darius said as he wrapped an arm around Selene. “We were starting to get worried with how much you talked about hating this job and how long you’d have to go to get through the probation.”
“If you’re feeling up for it, how about a little photo shoot tonight?” Selene offered, stroking Darius’s thigh. “At your place? I made another top that’ll be so cute on you!”
“Sounds great!” Lexi said. “Though I have to warn you, I seem to be ‘putting on weight’ if you know what I mean,” she said, thrusting her chest out.
“Wow, still?” Selene asked. “We’ll have to order some bigger sizes after only a week! What’s your secret, girl?”
“I guess it’s a side-effect of my new birth control medicine,” the busty unicorn girl said with a slight grin.
“Any way you could slip me a prescription?” Selene chuckled.
“Sorry, it’s only available through the, uh, employer-provided plan at work.”

Imported from Derpibooru
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Background Pony #CB7E
that ai looks like having a skill issue on writing XD

Imported from Derpibooru - Posted by Skibidi Ohio Sigma Cenat Rizz Man
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