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Image imported from Derpibooru.
Original: https://derpibooru.org/images/3355481
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The final fight could really have gone either way. Then, everything changed. It all happened so fast that no one could have stopped it. This… thing that was once a windigo rose out from the depths of The Darkness, which should have been impossible, and yet…
It couldn’t be warded off like the other windigos, the other windigos fear whatever this thing was. Now all of them were stuck with it.

Thorax caught eyes with the creature, but that was only at a glance. This dark windigo was made of black ice, crystals, and metal; its face fractured unevenly down the middle, one ear was different as if it had grown back recently as a crystal. More disturbing was one eye had been hollowed out and glowed with a dark blue aura, resonating with a deep hatred while it stared back at him.

Windigos are hard enough to alter into images enough already, and this one was even more challenging. Black ice, while it sounds cool, just like black crystals, is really fucking difficult to render without having it be a solid black mass with a reflective surface. I couldn’t get the full imagery of what I wanted from this. Some of it kind of showed through, but I’ve been struggling these last few weeks with my health and mentally it’s been holding me back from functioning at a 100%. I don’t function like I used to so I end up making mistakes or simply can’t think my way around to a solution. This picture suffered because of that.


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