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Flim and Flam as Tomax and Xamot, Cobra’s twin Crimson Guard commanders, from G.I. Joe.
Both sets of brothers always work together, and both engage in very questionable business practices.

safe14630 ai generated41968 automatically imported33041 derpibooru import33211 generator:google imagen 3.0335 prompter:zerowinger351 flam5 flim6 unicorn9347 anthro15031 series:g.i. pony: a real equestrian hero196 g435637 black background183 brothers8 clothes15371 cosplay289 costume514 duo6259 flim flam brothers5 g.i. joe193 horn15828 male9096 military uniform188 siblings646 simple background2286 the crimson twins1 tomax1 twins22 uniform332 xamot1


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Background Pony #2B55
@Background Pony #2B55
I’d probably put that on the backburner for now. Eventually something will come up. That’s what happened to me when I first got into writing fanfiction back in the day.

Imported from Derpibooru - Posted by chaotic-7
Background Pony #2B55
@Background Pony #2B55
That’s another one I’m really not sure of, but I don’t think Sweetie Belle fits.
Another thing I’m trying to consider is how well they’ll look with the respective costumes.

Imported from Derpibooru - Posted by Zerowinger
Background Pony #2B55
@Background Pony #2B55
I was thinking Sunburst for Mainframe, and Doctor Whooves for Sci-Fi.
One funny thought had occurred to me - because Sweetie Belle once set everything in Rarity’s kitchen on fire, she could play the flamethrower trooper Blowtorch (aka “Pork Chop Sandwiches!” guy). Though I was also thinking of giving that role to Blaze.
Anyway, there’s several characters that never appeared in animation or got only bit parts to consider. If we’re thinking brainy, perhaps she could be Grand Slam?

Imported from Derpibooru - Posted by Zerowinger
Background Pony #2B55
@Background Pony #2B55
Well I’ve been going over the G.I. Joe roster a bit and I got to thinking since Sweetie Belle seems to be the “brainy of the 3” maybe she’d be a good fit for one of the counter inteligence rolls like Mainframe or Scifi?

Imported from Derpibooru - Posted by chaotic-7
Background Pony #2B55
@Background Pony #2B55
Well, playing around I decided to generate a few images of Scootaloo as Alpine (I guess because they’re both fearless and act bold as a way of trying to overcome personal challenges?) And several did come out looking very nice, but I’m not 100% sure if it fits.
As for Sweetie Belle, I’m also drawing a blank. I’m almost tempted to make her Fast Draw (a character that never even appeared in the cartoons) solely because of the meme of Sweetie Bot having those shoulder mounted missile launchers.

Imported from Derpibooru - Posted by Zerowinger
Background Pony #2B55
@Background Pony #2B55
I was wondering who you’d use as Tunnelrat. As for Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo? I’m drawing a blank right now.
I’m going to have to look at more dossiers to get a better clue. Who did you have in mind?

Imported from Derpibooru - Posted by chaotic-7
Background Pony #2B55
@Background Pony #2B55
I’d never even thought of Applebloom and Winona for Mutt and Junkyard, I’ll have to see what I can generate and see how it looks. As for Braeburn, I was thinking of having him as Dusty (both very country types that live out in the desert), with Wild Bill being played by Soarin’ (Wild Bill’s the most senior Joe pilot after Ace, and Soarin’ the most senior wonderbolt after Spitfire).

Imported from Derpibooru - Posted by Zerowinger
Background Pony #2B55
@Background Pony #2B55
Well I watched a background video on both Leatherneck and Wild Bill. I’d say if you were to go with either? I’d go with Leatherneck on based on the account that both are stubborn, extremely hard working, and are constantly butting heads with everyone around them. As for Wild Bill? I’d go with Braeburn for that role (but that’s just me.) But AJ also has Winona so maybe the two could be paired as Mut and Junkyard? But you also have Zipporwhirl and her pooch (Maybe they could pass for Law and Order, even though she seems to come from Argentinian like heritage) Or you could go with AJ as Leatherneck (like you described, not a bad option) Zipperwhirl and her Pooch as Law and Order. (Just spit-ballin’) Braeburn as Wild Bill and Applebloom and Winona as Mut and Junkyard (again just spit-ballin’ ideas.

Imported from Derpibooru - Posted by chaotic-7
Background Pony #2B55
@Background Pony #2B55
And are shady business practitioners like the Flim-Flams.
By the way, if you don’t mind I’d like your input - who do you think Applejack would work as? I know the go to answer would be Wild Bill because of the cowboy hat and Texas accent, but because she’s such a physical mare I keep thinking she would be a groundpounder infantry type. Currently I got her slated as Leatherneck due to them both having similar outlooks (his file card states he can’t stand dishonesty) and both being very practically minded. I’m just wondering if you think there’s some other character that she’d work as.

Imported from Derpibooru - Posted by Zerowinger