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Creative Corner » Image Analysis and Feedback Thread » Post 7

Creative Corner » Image Analysis and Feedback Thread » Post 6

Creative Corner » Image Analysis and Feedback Thread » Post 5

Star Streaker

I’m kinda curious, what kind of AI gen workflow do you use? I largely use SD Forge but have been intending to get into Comfy.
The door itself is actually relatively easy to fix. I haven’t posted one image yet but there was a Canterlot street view image I generated with a terrible cobblestone path. So I used inpainting and img-img and specified the prompt to only focus on exclusively the road and it gave a much more coherent road while preserving the subjects. You could also do the same for inpainting Cadance’s wings though you’d likely want to use soft inpainting for those.

Site and Policy » Opening Thread » Post 89


@Background Pony #89EC
One of our registration related services was down for a while, but should be back and working again (tested now to be sure). It’s possible Privacy Badger isn’t liking reCaptcha, but that’d be odd as it’s a fairly popular thing… That or the browser is out of date and reCaptcha fails it, I’m not sure.
@Background Pony #7E45
We’ll import images slowly over the next few days to not flood out other uploads.

Creative Corner » Image Analysis and Feedback Thread » Post 4


She somewhat harshly sticks out with the rest of the image (which is more painterly and muted)
I don’t think Cadance is oversaturated in the technical sense of the term, but I think I get what you mean. The brown of the background doesn’t highlight her, rather it makes her look out of place.
I hadn’t noticed that she does look slightly less painterly than the background when viewed from a distance, thanks for pointing that out. It’s been a struggle with all of the SDXL based models to get good, consistent painterly styles.
Another thing I noticed was that the doorway seems itself split in half with the line being covered up by Cadance herself.
Aaaah, consistent background details are a bane. Trying to get anything to maintain symmetry when split by a character is such a pain.
I’d agree and I think it’s largely due to the nostrils/first person POV. From what I’ve noticed with my admittedly limited artistic talent is that pony faces when facing “forward” tend to point up slightly. Cadance’s muzzle is definitely pointing down but the face could be fixed with an inpaint or adetailer model.
Ah, thanks for pointing that out, the bridge of the muzzle is definitely pointing down too much. I knew something was up, but couldn’t quite figure out what it was. I do detail the face and eyes, but that comes with its own problems. I think this one in particularly is probably a result of cropping too close when detailing and using meesh in the artist mix, as he tends to draw more sloped muzzles.

Creative Corner » Image Analysis and Feedback Thread » Post 3


You might be able to find some trick with your prompts that removes or reduces the issue, but that seems unlikely. This seems to be a fundamental misunderstanding of the model (or it had a lot of images with this mistake in its training data).
Can you do image-to-image with your current setup? If so, then doing a very basic edit of the image with any old image editor (even mspaint works fine) to just remove the hair and block the background colors in and then doing one or two passes with low-denoise image-to-image should fix it.
If you can’t image-to-image, then Photoshop is probably your best bet. I haven’t used the recent versions of Photoshop, but the tools in it should be able to handle removing things like that very quickly and easily. It’s doable in GIMP, but it’ll be a lot more work because its selection and fixing tools are not as advanced.
You could also try which uses a model specifically trained on removing things from images, though you’ll likely want to do an image-to-image pass after using it.

Creative Corner » Image Analysis and Feedback Thread » Post 2


3-3/4" Army Man Fan
So this one is a bit of a problem that made me hem and haw a bit about uploading:
>>33453t (merged)
Night Glider has some of her hair sticking out of her helmet where it really shouldn’t be. I guess it could be argued there’s a slit for her mane in the back of her helmet that it’s sticking out from and so being blown along with her scarf, but that’s not a very realistic answer.
Google Imagen (or at least as used on NightCafe) unfortunately doesn’t allow for selective edits to select that errant hair for editing out. Would using a program like Gimp or Photoshop be a solution?
Hair sticking out of helmets also seems to be a frequent experience with some of these generations of mine, so would adjustment of negative prompts possibly help?

Site and Policy » Opening Thread » Post 88

Background Pony #7E45
So, upload of AI images on Derpibooru is disabled now, but there’s a plenty of images uploaded since December 7 and some of them are missing on Tantabus. Will there be another sync of all uploads over the past week?

Creative Corner » Image Analysis and Feedback Thread » Post 1

Star Streaker

I’m not terribly familiar with the Noob models, mostly stick to the PonyXL variants myself. I’m also by no means an artist so take what I say with a grain of salt.
Overall the image is pretty good, like you said if a little stale and bland. My impressions below.
Is white and red a bad color combination with Cadance’s fur? Is the color grading okay? (difficult because I and many people do not have color accurate monitors)
  • I’m fine with the red and white Cadance is wearing but what I think gets to me is Cadance is a little oversaturated. She somewhat harshly sticks out with the rest of the image (which is more painterly and muted) and I think that saturation is causing some artifacts particularly around the gold plate she’s wearing.
  • Another thing I noticed was that the doorway seems itself split in half with the line being covered up by Cadance herself. So one half of the door appears to be one style while the other half (Cadance’s left) has a mirror image but slightly different. On that same side, there’s a sort of knob/handle type thing just jutting out of the wall. What’s it for? The poster on the left (viewer’s pov) may make sense.
What do people think of the face? I feel like it has a somewhat porcine influence to it and I’m not sure if I like it.
  • I’d agree and I think it’s largely due to the nostrils/first person POV. From what I’ve noticed with my admittedly limited artistic talent is that pony faces when facing “forward” tend to point up slightly. Cadance’s muzzle is definitely pointing down but the face could be fixed with an inpaint or adetailer model.

Site and Policy » Opening Thread » Post 87

Tagging Discussion » "prompter:" should change to "artist:" » Post 28


Surely you know some people use inpainting or edit a photo manually in Photoshop.
Which is why the editor tag will be set to work with ai composition, at least for starters (and we may just move to artist in the long run).
I feel like you haven’t even bothered looking into how this is being handled here, or on derpi, and just want to complain. And yap.

Tagging Discussion » "prompter:" should change to "artist:" » Post 27


So what about all the AI art that is more than just entering a prompt? Surely you know some people use inpainting or edit a photo manually in Photoshop. The only term which encapsulates what people are doing is artist, prompting is merely describing part of the toolchain. It’d be like calling all digital artists “Photoshop interactors” or “tablet scribblers” as that’s a more literal descriptor of what actions they are doing, but it fails to encapsulate why exactly they are using those tools (to create art), and is of course needlessly specific to the point of not being a consistent thing to tag stuff with. Info like what sort of prompt, model and other tools one uses and etc is just information you’d put in the description in this case. Being needlessly reductionist like that is just understandably insulting to people trying to practice an artform lol.

Tagging Discussion » "prompter:" should change to "artist:" » Post 26


I wouldn’t say that means I don’t deserve a tag
There’s nothing stopping you here (or there) from having an associated tag.
This is why everyone is an artist
Which makes the term meaningless, so why vie for having the tag called “artist” and not something more descriptive (ie. useful) of what the person actually did to create something?
If everyone is an artist for everything they create, then the term has no meaning at all. But this is an imageboard, a place where people fastidiously try to categorize things.
And for such purposes, there’s a distinction made between prompter (someone that enters a prompt and some settings into a generator to get an image), editor (someone that edits already existing work in minor ways), and artist (someone that creates something wholly new). Derpi also has photographer, which likely won’t apply here, and if either place hosted fics there’d also be a writer tag.
Wanting so much to be labelled “artist” comes off as either some sort of extreme pedantry about the term, or revanchism over twitter etc. having been so hostile against generative AI.

Tagging Discussion » "prompter:" should change to "artist:" » Post 25


Well it sounds like you’re just trying to control what art can be. Bananas taped to walls are art and blaming contemporary artists and society in general for thinking so is not gonna work. It doesn’t mean you have to appreciate those types of art but I don’t see why you think other people cannot. You have some vision of what you want all art to to be like but it’s not going to align with everyone else’s and that’s probably not a good mindset for running an art site.
“Artist” is not a descriptor of status, rather one describing an activity. This is why everyone is an artist at some point essentially as everyone will perform this activity to some extent through their life to creatively express themselves. Most people will not claim to be an artist when talking about their career/hobby or whatever though because generally in that context you’re choosing which activity you practice the most or have the most skill in (even if you’ve say dabbled in art just like everyone else has). Tags are purely describing what is going on with a given work, not what someone’s occupation is, so person who created the art is an artist and it’s not trying to claim that’s their main career path. Simple as that.
I for instance have created some art pieces on Derpi as well as some photography as I do both things occasionally with my time, but I would not describe my main choice of hobby as either of those and only mention it if I was making a list to rank which ones I practice from most to least. I wouldn’t say that means I don’t deserve a tag though so people can’t find the things I’ve done as again it’s not an indicator of skill level or mastery, just a grouping of common things based on creator.

Creative Corner » Image Analysis and Feedback Thread » Topic Opener


I’m creating this thread in the hope that we can get people to give each other useful feedback on the images that they create. This should help people to develop their own critical eye.
I was going to use ‘critique’ in the title, but that implies a level of interpretation. The intention here is to give reasonably objective feedback on errors or elements that detract from an image, and well-done things that improve the image.
If the creator has some stated goals or issues with the image, then feedback on how they might better reach these goals or solve these issues can also be given. Creators specifically asking for opinions on certain things is also fine.
In your analysis and feedback you should include, where possible, ideas and techniques for fixing the issues that you point out.

As an example, here’s one my recent gens:
Looking for basic errors we can see the following:
  • Cadance does not appear to have any sign of wings.
  • The bottom right of the inset section on the door behind Cadance is missing.
  • Her hooves (hoof shoes?) have slightly different shapes and embellishments.
  • Cadance’s tail is exceptionally long.
All of these issue can be fixed by starting with a different base gen, or by overpainting/inpainting/detailing.
A positive of the image is that the armor, clothing, and regalia all seem very coherent.
One issue I have is that I feel like the image is just sort of boring. Causes and solutions for this might include:
Problem Solutions
1girl standing Use more varied pose descriptions. Add more characters.
Basic, head-on camera angle Use a more interesting camera angle.
Basic lighting Use more interesting lighting descriptions (not well tagged, requires experimentation).
Background that is simultaneously dull yet distracting Use a different gen. Inpaint out distracting features. Describe the background differently.
No objects of interest. A weapon, shield, goblet, etc. might add some interest.
As I’m using a Noob based model, useful tags for things such as pose and camera-angle can be found in the e6 and danbooru tag wikis.
Some things I would like feedback from others on are:
  • Is the color grading okay? (difficult because I and many people do not have color accurate monitors)
  • What do people think of the face? I feel like it has a somewhat porcine influence to it and I’m not sure if I like it.
  • Is white and red a bad color combination with Cadance’s fur?

Please try to include feedback for others when you post a request for feedback. This should help to keep a good balance between giving and requesting feedback.

Site and Policy » Opening Thread » Post 86

Site and Policy » Opening Thread » Post 85

Site and Policy » Opening Thread » Post 84

Tagging Discussion » General "Whoa this tag is missing stuff!" Thread » Post 25

Tagging Discussion » "prompter:" should change to "artist:" » Post 24


I’m honestly all for sticking with ‘creator’ when we’re assigning a title in a tag—like we already do in User Links. And keeping ‘artist’ just for how it’s used in Takedowns and Rules. Maybe it’s selfish, but it lowkey makes things way easier when handling image reports. That way, when someone says ‘artist,’ I know it’s about Rule #1 and not something I actually want to do, like helping someone set up their tag here.
I honestly don’t care what people call themselves, as long as when someone says ‘artist,’ it’s clear they’re talking about what that means in Rule #1.
My one caveat would be if the site ever decides to extend copyright protections to some AI art—like how Derpi uses ai assisted or their new ai composition tag. Still waiting to see how that all shakes out with ‘artist’ tags. Maybe things will be clearer by January.
It feels like a distraction right now. I’d rather not deal with it and just hope we don’t end up with a tag that’s baked into the rules that gives it a meaning, or accidentally makes people think they have rights they don’t actually have, that we will have to deal with later.
I trust you to find the right balance, and make it make sense.
I’m gonna ghost this thread now since this isn’t my bikeshed, and I’ve talked about it enough. As long as the rules and tags are in sync, it’s all good.

Tagging Discussion » General "Whoa this tag is missing stuff!" Thread » Post 24

Tagging Discussion » "prompter:" should change to "artist:" » Post 23


Prompter seems like the more pragmatic and descriptive choice when talking about the person who prompted for the image, which seems to me the better choice for a tagging system. Within the context of the tagging system, worrying about the definition of art and artist seems like a good way to waste a lot of time.
However, using prompter would imply the use of separate tags for the same person doing a basic sketch, generation, and inpainting, which seems like a good way to add excessive noise to the tags. As others have suggested, creator might be a decent compromise, as it’s a lot less philosophically charged than artist.
Individual tags for prompting, inpainting/editing, and arting (in the derpi sense) could be used in situations in which multiple people are collaborating. The correct tag for arting might bring the whole discussion up again, so perhaps bikeshedding about it is inevitable.

Site and Policy » Opening Thread » Post 83


3-3/4" Army Man Fan
Go to the upload page, you’ll see the top box that instructs you to read the site rules and check the do-not-post list, same as it is on Derpibooru. Link to the site rules works but link to the DNP list does not.

Site and Policy » Opening Thread » Post 82


The DNP list is also currently missing
Lowkey feels like a ‘do not post’ list doesn’t vibe with this site. Having one kinda gives ‘we’ll do takedowns’ energy, and honestly, no one should be uploading artists’ work here anyway.
I legit can’t find the link you’re clicking. Can you show me where you’re seeing it?
Ohhh, the new image upload page—got it. Thanks for pointing that out! I’ll check if we can get that removed.

Site and Policy » Opening Thread » Post 81

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