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Tagging Discussion » "prompter:" should change to "artist:" » Post 22


I typed in “pony” and pressed shift-enter. Default model settings, touched nothing else, you can check the chunk. Does that deserve an “artist” tag for me?
I’d say “no”. And frankly neither do Jackson Pollock or whoever taped a banana to a wall deserve to be called “artist”. If we go by some “anything can be art” or whatever definition then the term “artist” has absolutely no meaning at all and thus there’s no reason to want to have it in the first place. Outside of some revanchist sentiment, I guess.
So no, I’d very much like to keep terms like artist or editor or whatever else reserved for people that put more effort into what they create than the average tagger/uploader puts in when typing into an image’s tag box.
  1. “But derpi calls anyone that puts any two lines together an artist!”
  • Yes and I hate that, but it was inherited from ponibooru and socially enforced thanks to hacks like Christopher Wool or Damien Hirst. If I could have changed it without starting WW3 I would have.
  1. “Why not call people that do ai composition artists, then?”
  • Ideally we will, both here and on derpi. Right now, what we’re seeing is what we expected: a lot of people going through their old raw gens and retagging them from ai generated to ai composition, either to “save” them, or out of spite for the new policy / the site. We’ll revisit the topic once those shenanigans are over.
  1. “You just hate AI and this place is set up just to honeypot AI users to pariah them and then shut the place down!”
  • No. I want this place to succeed, and I want people to use AI to create beautiful and amazing things. But what’s been going on in derpi, and elsewhere on the internet, really isn’t leading towards that. For every 1 person that starts putting some work and talent in, that curate or edit what they share, and produces a good looking image… another 9 pop up that type in something like “sally acorn huge boobs large ass hot sexy”, batch of 20, and upload them all regardless of all the horrific flaws and artifacts.
  • Allowing, or even promoting the latter is one of the big reasons AI is looked down on by so many, and it’s what’s keeping the space from flourishing. Sites are flooded with low quality images and it drowns out those that put in the effort, or make it seem like they just got a lucky RNG. A lot of people could have been spending the last two years learning new skills and working on how to improve their art but instead sat waiting for some next model release or technological advancement to fix the issues for them.
  • So yeah, I actually do want to get to the point where people aren’t looked down on for having made something with AI, and I don’t believe the “laissez-faire” policy many appear to want will ever get us there.

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