đź‘» Ghost Signatures! Want to know how to easily remove them? - Check Here!
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Ghost Signature Removal

Creative Corner » Ghost Signature Removal Search Posts

Not an Artist
Ghost Signatures are these text artifacts that sometimes pop up in the corners of AI generated images. They are unsightly, and are counted as a generation error on Tantabus. But there is a very easy solution to rid your picture of them before uploading and all you need is your trusty browser:
This quick edit can be performed in a few minutes and most of the time not even one. So help us fight the good cause and get rid of these nasty errors.
If it’s something weird
And it don’t look good
Who ya gonna call?
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As mentioned above, here’s a link to Photopea.
It’s basically PhotoShop in a browser. If you’re used to PhotoShop you’ll find the learning curve is almost flat. For me the hardest part was learning to trust that it would do what I asked - like I expected to have to go through hoops to get files into or out of it, but Open and Close are in the File menu and work exactly as if you were running PhotoShop on your own machine. And the saved files don’t add any kind of watermarks.
PS: It works in browsers on iPads, too. Super handy!
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Background Pony #B053
Inpaint sketch is also a good one, or alternatively, I’ve had quite good success with adding “signature, watermark” to negative prompts.
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