Somebody should make a third site that treats derpi and tanta as back ends and recombines the feeds. A lot of people don’t care about “purity” and don’t mind seeing them mixed together, and there are plenty of situations (like looking for a good reaction image) where having to search two sites is a PITA.
3rd, all-inclusive site
Background Pony #EA25
Maybe Twibooru will start importing images from Tantabus as well, so everything would be there.
see also: Ponybooru, Ponerpics
see also: Ponybooru, Ponerpics
Background Pony #B3F3
I’m thinking about overlay app/website that would load images from various boorus (even non-MLP ones) and allow voting and commenting if user has an account on given website.
I’m thinking about overlay app/website that would load images from various boorus (even non-MLP ones) and allow voting and commenting if user has an account on given website.
@Background Pony #EA25
If you find this to be low quality, what are you doing on this site?
If you find this to be low quality, what are you doing on this site?
Or do you have to because you’re C*, the mod who likely pushed this decision through?
There’s, though I’m not sure if that’s phone only; moderately sure there are similar alternatives. There are also some userscripts that allow for quickly switching between sites.
There’s, though I’m not sure if that’s phone only; moderately sure there are similar alternatives. There are also some userscripts that allow for quickly switching between sites.
Attempts at creating high level boorus have been attempted in the past (most notably metabooru) but ended up failing due to the complexity, plus the divergence in tagging culture.
@Background Pony #EA25
Not really the place to discuss something like that.
Not really the place to discuss something like that.