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General "Whoa this tag is missing stuff!" Thread


ADHD fueled
Snappy name, huh? Well this thread is for when you come across a tag that appears to be missing implications, aliases, color, category, anything. This site is still a work in progress. A lot of tags were set up ahead of time, but there’s still a lot that were not, or were missed, or that come along through the pipelines.
That’s where this thread comes in. If you run into a tag that you think needs something, even if you’re not sure, you can drop it in here and we can look at it. You can also do this with tags that were set up and appear wrong or missing something. Mistakes happen, we are human, after all. (Or are we?)
Please link to thinks if possible.
Background Pony #6406
The real solution is to add a Philomena feature that allows exporting tags, aliases, implications, and descriptions into a format that can be diffed. This would allow doing work once. Sites could compare their data to data from other sites and import changes they consider useful (which should be most of them).
Work that can be automated, should be.

3-3/4" Army Man Fan
Speaking of so many….
it seems that all the “-betes” or other character specific tags that implied “cute” aren’t implying either the character or “cute.” Just a heads up.

ADHD fueled
Yes we are aware, they’re not exactly high priority and incredibly hard to find them all due to the wildly varying names, it’s not really worth the time to seek them all out when we barely know what they all mean. Feel free to share the ones you find, but we will not likely be seeking them out en masse.

Agreed. Those seem very much like “I wanted to upvote this twice” or “I wanted to explain my enthusiasm for this image with more than a click could convey”. Useful for those who use them, but no one can agree what they mean or which images should have them.
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