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Zach liked his girlfriend Christina.
Well, if he was honest with himself – she wasn’t quite what he preferred physically. She was short and thin and cute and all – and he loved her dorky personality (she reminded him most of Twilight Sparkle, always his favorite pony) – but he’d always liked slightly taller and, well… hipsier girls, at least when he was looking at porn, before she’d come into his life… He wished she was more open to having kids too, and that her libido was higher. She wasn’t nearly as interested in sex as he usually was…
But now…
Now was his chance to have everything he’d always dreamed of – in one woman…!
Zach, via illicit avenues of the internet, had acquired a pair of unique enchanted artifacts apparently pilfered from ancient Egypt – a Fertility Stone, and its corresponding Pharaoh’s Ring. According to the source he’d purchased it from, these items would have been used by the pharaohs of antiquity to ensure maximal “engagement” and fertility with his chosen concubine(s) – granting the man who wore the Ring two rounds of magical modification descending upon the body and mind of whoever possessed the Stone.
Zach, of course, was planning on using the effects of these archaic artifacts on his girlfriend, transforming her in two discrete stages into, at last, his perfect ideal. He was beyond excited. Zach snuck the Fertility Stone into his girlfriend’s tattered jeans pocket one day before she hurried out the door, nearly late for work.
Taylor stepped slowly across the tiles of the bustling shopping mall, bored, now that his workday had ended at the Sizzler. He watched his co-worker Christina rush breathlessly past him, hustling over to her post to start the late shift. He smiled. She was nice. Her boyfriend was kind of trashy though… He would never say anything, but she was definitely too good for him.
Taylor’s tennis shoe kicked something hard. Whatever-it-was skidded across the floor. Taylor’s eyes scanned the floor of the food court – he saw it. It was a strangely-colored stone. It was glistening and silvery-pink. Taylor stepped over to pick it up.
Where had it come from?
Taylor shrugged, sliding it into his pocket. Maybe it would be worth something at the pawn shop. He sauntered off towards the videogame store. Maybe there was something there that could take his mind off the boredom he perennially felt…
Zach waited until Christina was most likely at work and not driving en route any longer – after all, he didn’t want her to panic and swerve or something once the first round of magic took effect. He placed the Pharaoh’s Ring on his finger, and opened up his mind’s deepest desires so that they flowed into the ring.
The rock in Taylor’s back pocket quivered. Suddenly, everything changed for him…
All at once, with a great SNAP and a feeling like that of being struck by lightning, Taylor’s body shifted into a totally different shape – although maintaining its 5’10” height, everything else changed. Taylor’s hair became long and violet; Taylor’s body collapsed into a slender feminine frame wearing stylish high heels; Taylor’s jeans became restrictively form-fitting as Taylor’s black T-shirt contracted into a tiny blue shoulderless crop-top; and a sensible purse strap materialized around Taylor’s now slim and girlish wrist.
Taylor blinked. What the hell just happened?
Taylor looked down. A perky pair of C cup breasts brushed against the fabric of a snug little crop-top. Taylor’s hands ran down the sides of her girlish haunches towards the tight crease of her jeans clutching at her crotch. No more bulge – Taylor’s body twitched involuntarily as her fingers put pressure on her new, sensitive pussy.
Taylor was now a girl…
She rushed to the restroom.
Gazing desperately in the mirror, Taylor’s mind raced, struggling to understand what was happening. Overloaded, her mind spun in a thousand directions at once. A generous midriff: Her cute, thin little waist showed off its cute, thin little bellybutton. Her gentle figure traced a gentle, curvy, comely outline. Her hips in particular delineated a soft, lovely spoon shape, advertising a better-than-average ass that snuggled up against the posterior hem of her tight little jeans. That rock she’d picked up earlier was still in her back pocket. Her hair was like that of cartoon character. Which one? She racked her brain – it seemed familiar, from somewhere…
Her high heels clicked nervously against the tile. A toilet flushed behind her. A grizzled middle-aged bald man wearing a stained white shirt emerged from the stall.
“Can I… uh, help ya, Missy?”
Taylor’s mouth let out a tiny yelp of fear, her body instinctively tensing up and her fight or flight instincts flushing her now-weaker body with adrenaline.
“Um… sorry! Wrong bathroom I guess…!” she squeaked – clasping her hand to her mouth in shock at hearing the semi-familiar soprano sound of her own new voice – clattering her way across the tile towards the door. These damn heels… why the hell was she wearing heels? Why the hell was she a she? Nothing at all was making sense…
Zach waited the requisite five minutes for the Ring to recharge before placing it one final time upon his finger. One half of his deepest desires would have manifested themselves by now in his girlfriend’s body. Now, it was time for the other half…
Taylor’s heels clicked down the aisles of the empty candle store as her brain spun in circles. What was going on? It kept thinking. Had she always been like this? Catching sight of her own girly figure in a passing mirror, Taylor didn’t think so, but nothing was adding up right now – and as her steps paced past a particular scented green display for the third time, she took a deep breath, calming herself down. She just needed to calm herself down for a moment and think, that was all…
She could figure this out.
Taylor took another deep breath, balancing her chakras.
Suddenly, another loud SNAP and a shuddering electrical sensation like lightning skipped its way down her spinal cord. The effects were instantaneous.
It happened too fast for Taylor to know what happened to her. All she knew was that her lower body felt a jolt of sudden pain, and suddenly the scented green candle display was sent tumbling to the floor, tiny scented candles scattering about her feet. She looked down, and – seeing what had become of her lower half – gasped involuntarily.
Her hips, apparently, had absolutely exploded outwards, knocking the display over entirely. What had once been somewhat modest yet fuller-than-average curves – a tasty, natural compliment to her modest bust and tight waist, pushing out pleasantly a bit beyond the petite width of her shoulders – were now phenomenally, absolutely, unbelievably ridiculous in the sheer absurd width of their new, impossible dimensions.
Taylor’s hips now erupted from the slim stem of her torso like two colossal turkey drumsticks soldered to a popsicle stick. They were now easily more than twice as wide as the width of her shoulders. Her now impossibly-generous ass filled out her straining jeans (which fortunately, had expanded at least somewhat along with her lower half) like twin bloated jackfruit jammed into a denim sock.
Taylor was thicc.
Mega-ultra-holyshit-what-the-fuck-triple-double-extra-extra DUMMY thicc –
She had never seen hips or ass like this on anyone in real life before. Not even in porn.
And now… this body…
This was her.
Taylor stumbled forward, struggling to regain her balance. Her equilibrium was totally thrown off. Her lower half felt utterly alien, her helpless legs rotating like distant pistons at the periphery of her perception against the crankshaft of her inconceivable pelvis. Propping herself up against the far wall with her slender arms, Taylor slowly regained control of her new, now even more extreme altered body.
Her huge, stretched panties were giving her a wedgie. A thigh gap bigger than her fist drew attention to the taut fabric embracing the lips of her crotch. She groaned to realize that the sensations radiating from her womanhood had multiplied exponentially – the pleasurable warmth of her pussy seemed to flow throughout her entire body. Intrusive thoughts of virile young men flooded her mind involuntarily.
She was really, really horny.
Taylor’s lavish hips gyrated, carrying her comparatively minuscule upper figure forward with immense power. Sashaying instinctually like a hip-hop supermodel, her succulent supersized booty swayed behind her like a blinding neon sign advertisement for SEX. She shuddered, her body trembling with hormonal tension. Were those guys behind her staring? She glanced around her…
EVERYONE was staring.
A deep, uneasy, gooey, queasy – yet strangely exciting? – feeling welled up from deep within Taylor’s body…
Her delicate fingers traced the extravagant contour of her lower curves mechanically, lingering in particular across the abrupt, violent transition from her tiny waiflike waist into the enormous, elephantine span of her preposterous new haunches. The reality of the situation slowly sunk in – unless this strange transformation could be somehow reversed… this new, alien, unwelcome “feature” was almost certainly going to define her in the eyes of everyone she would ever meet from now on. Her mind – her thoughts, her likes & dislikes, dreams & goals – hell, her whole personality – all these things would now inevitably take a 100% total backseat in the minds of others to the totally humiliating fact that her ridiculous new rear end was now ALWAYS going to be far bigger than anyone else’s in any room she might ever set foot in. In the minds of others, she was now always first & foremost going to be perceived as “that chick with the incredibly gigantic ass” – for the rest of her life.
Taylor felt like bursting into tears.
Her hands brushed the massive perky cushions of her buttocks. How the hell was she even going to sit down now, in most normal-sized chairs? She imagined the absurdity of being forced to wedge off any dinky plastic chairs that might easily become glued to her phenomenal hindquarters upon standing up. To say nothing of the difficulty she was going to have just moving around – her hips were so unbelievably broad that it was going to take a fair bit of focused effort just to avoid bumping the sides of them into things, knocking things over or hurting herself trying to navigate around sharp corners and narrow edges. And buying jeans or underwear in her size… she was surely going to have to buy everything custom online from now on…
As every single random passerby’s eyes flickered to her gargantuan posterior and then – pretending not to gawk – glanced just as quickly off to some other direction, the deep feeling building within her continued to swoon and grow, rocking her whole system with a warm, bitter glow. Anger and fear spun circles in her gut, mixed indiscriminately with the… passionate? sensation building in her lower body. The mere sensation of walking – and the knowledge that so many eyes were glaring at her booty like the vast, juicy piece of meat it was – was making her pussy go crazy. Even just her stride… she knew that no matter what she did, every step she took from now on was going to be pornographic for onlookers. She was now sex incarnate – whether she liked it or not. A walking billboard for fucking. A living, breathing goal for all virile men to lust after… how many involuntary erections had she caused already, just minding her own business strolling casually through the mall…?
A warm, fresh, strange hunger and pride welled up from within, blending fiercely with her confusion and frustration, swirling about inside her as she strode her voluptuous, sensual, hypersexual chassis across the tiles of the shopping mall aimlessly, her mind and thoughts collapsing into a vortex… her pussy was blazing hot, filling the void of her brain with fresh visions of… cock…?
Gawd, she was horny…
From across the aisle, a young man’s eye caught its target.
Later that night, Zach waited for Christina to arrive home from work, eager with a deep libidinal anticipation. When she came through the door looking exactly the same as she always had, he found it hard to hide his disappointment. She tried to console him. What could possibly be wrong? How could she ever guess…
Zach’s eyes drooped to his finger. The Pharaoh’s Ring had evaporated after the second round. The Fertility Stone, as he had expected, must have evaporated too – Christina’s jeans no longer held it. But… what could have gone wrong?
Zach’s eyes fell to the worn denim of his girlfriend’s jeans.
A hole.
There was a hole in the pocket.
Zach’s posture slumped.
His girlfriend hugged him, trying to cheer him up despite the fact that she had no idea what could have been bringing him down on this particular evening. Oh well – at least he had someone who really cared about him… even IF her rail-thin little body wasn’t anywhere near that of his ultra-fertile extra-thicc Twilight Sparkle hipsy dream-girl…
The next day, Taylor woke up next to the muscular, beautiful college stud who had successfully (and rather easily) seduced her into entertaining him deep into the previous night. Standing up with some difficulty, she stretched her heart-spangled panties up over the huge breadth of her gargantuan lower proportions. The lush sweep of her sumptuous ass bulged like fat, tight bags of dough against the near-translucent material. Putting on her jeans proved nearly impossible, but after several minutes somehow she managed to get them on. Her “defining features” strained defiantly against the denim material – those jeans looked like they were about to burst. The rock she had picked up yesterday was no longer in her back pocket – not that she noticed or cared…
Her gaze darted to the burly fratboy whose seed she now carried within her. Her mind had forgotten all about its previous shape. What had she been so worried about yesterday, anyway…? Taylor couldn’t recall. All she knew, trotting on swollen glutes over to the nearby bathroom mirror, is that hers was a body built for fucking. Nourishing life with its womb. Her hands slid across the smooth surface of her luxurious, overgenerous, opulent hips – birthing hips. The phrase made her smile. It was so perfect to describe her unique figure – wasn’t it? Her brain swelled with pride and joy. She was special. More than that. Taylor’s fuckable little sex-doll body (she loved when he’d called her that last night) was made to be a mother. Her lips trembled with glee. She squeezed the plump lobes of her peerless posterior with both hands, remembering how good it felt when he was manhandling them last night, driving his cock deep into her, filling her up until she screamed for mercy… She looked at him still lying in his bed and sighed. Her lover was going to be a Daddy – she just knew. This body was made to bring children into the world, made to make children – a hot little huge-hipped baby-factory (his words, again)… her smile broadened – she was surely pregnant right now – her entire body, her whole existence was built for it. She could feel it. She was sure.
Taylor was going to be a Mommy!
And with a body like hers – maybe she’d even turn out to be carrying twins…
No, triplets…!
Taylor practically squee’d with glee at the thought!
She rubbed the taut flesh of her flat tummy with the palm of her hand. She sighed – in just a few weeks this belly was going to start feeling very different. She couldn’t wait to feel the fresh pulse of new life – (quadruplets, maybe?) – growing & kicking inside of her…
Taylor’s face was beaming.
Taylor’s lover slapped her ass when she returned to his bedroom. Her big butt jiggled. She giggled, snuggling her colossal lower half snug against his sizable dick, feeling his big strong arms squeeze her frail little midsection, and fell back asleep, safe in the warm embrace of her oh-so-lucky future husband.

suggestive5092 ai generated42785 automatically imported33042 derpibooru import33212 prompter:horselover fat373 twilight sparkle4187 human8859 g436455 adorasexy841 ass2404 breasts17911 butt10169 butt expansion38 clothes15764 curvy1092 cute4645 denim452 explicit description14 female40519 growth167 high heels665 hourglass figure531 huge butt552 humanized2640 implied transgender transformation46 impossibly large butt211 impossibly wide hips49 jeans290 large butt1488 midriff818 monochrome151 open mouth6045 pants674 purse128 rear view2814 reasonably sized breasts547 sexy5304 shoes1171 shopping36 simple background2341 solo32434 solo female18000 standing2101 story included358 surprised179 the ass was fat718 thigh gap67 thighs1824 thunder thighs1166 tight clothing277 transformation114 turnaround37 twibutt554 walking239 white background798 wide hips1896


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Background Pony #091B
@Background Pony #091B
The author’s TG/TF (Transgender/Transformation kink) fic to go with the image.
Summary: A character buys a magic item to turn his human GF into a sexy, horny Twilight Sparkle. But through a mishap, he unknowingly transforms one of her (male) coworkers instead.

Imported from Derpibooru