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“Oh, Rainbow Dash, darling. Thank you so much! I know my home is in capable hands with you!” Rarity’s voice was full with gratitude as she gazed up at her friend.
Rainbow Dash smirked. Her usual confidence was radiating from every pore. “No worries, Rarity. Your place will be spotless when you get back – like new.” She winked.
Rarity handed her a set of keys. Her delicate fingers were brushing against Rainbow’s hand. “Do take care of Opal, won’t you? And please, please, don’t let Sweetie Belle play video games late at night. I’ll be back next weekend.”
Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes playfully. “Relax, Rarity. I got it. Enjoy your vacation.”
After Rarity’s car moved away, Rainbow Dash entered Rarity’s house and put her bag on the floor.
She looked around the immaculately decorated rooms. Her gaze fell to the living room, where Sweetie Belle was stretched out on her stomach. She was holding a PonStation controller, and playing on the couch with her headphones on.
Rainbow Dash’s eyes darted to the screen, and she recognized the game instantly: “Equestria 2074.” The vibrant graphics were unmistakable. She had heard about that game, with its dystopian storyline.
In this universe, reptiloids have secretly manipulated human governments to organize a genocide of the planet’s population starting in the early 21st century. They engineered economic crises, endless wars, relentless inflation, skyrocketing real estate prices, and exorbitant medical costs—all to curb human reproduction. They even went as far as selling poisoned food, causing conditions like fatty liver disease. Their goal was to decimate humanity and effortlessly repopulate the planet with their own kind.
The planet was overrun by animal-shaped robots designed to kill humans and alter the biosphere for the reptiloids. The old governments, now didn’t hide they are puppets of the reptiloids, used the remaining androids to aid in the genocide.
However, a small group of survivors managed to turn the reptiloids’ own robots against them, fighting back from the depths of the jungles.
Rainbow Dash watched as Sweetie Belle’s character, dressed as a primitive man, navigated through lush, dangerous terrain and took control of a reptilian robot with a combination of high tech gadgets and brute strength.
Sweetie Belle was completely engrossed in the game, her fingers moving deftly over the controller. She didn’t even seem to notice Rainbow’s presence.
The weekend went smoothly. Rainbow Dash took care of Opal, kept the place clean, and made sure Sweetie Belle stayed out of trouble. But by Monday, boredom began to set in.
“Man, this place is way too quiet,” Rainbow said, lounging on Rarity’s plush sofa. She glanced at her phone. Sweetie won’t be home from school anytime soon.
Rainbow Dash aimlessly wandered through the house. It was the first time she’d been alone in Rarity’s home. Unable to resist the urge to explore, she ventured deeper into the house. She felt an irresistible attraction to Rarity’s bedroom.
Rarity’s room was a luxurious haven of beauty products and clothing racks filled with bright colors and luxurious fabrics. Dash’s fingers trailed along the edges of a particularly stunning dress, admiring the intricate stitching material.
Rainbow Dash couldn’t help but be interested by the sleek, futuristic robot in the corner of Rarity’s room. That machine was as tall as a closet and had a sleek, metallic frame that gleamed under the soft lighting. Six articulated arms were neatly folded against its sides. The base of the machine rested on sturdy, spider-like legs.
“What is this thing?” she muttered to herself. Her curiosity was getting the better of her.
Without thinking and intrigued by the device, she approached and accidentally pressed a button on its control panel, causing the machine to hum to life. Its legs shifted subtly, balancing the device. The arms began to unfurl with a soft whirr. Rainbow Dash took a step back. Her heart was racing and she felt afraid.
Suddenly, the cold metal arms of the machine clamped around Rainbow’s wrists.
“Hey! Let me go!” Rainbow Dash screamed. But no matter how she tried to escape, the robot only tightened its grip on her limbs, like a vice. She was lifted off the ground.
The machine whirred around her, its sensors were scanning her from head to toe. Her protests were drowned out by the loud hums and clicks as various compartments opened, revealing an array of beauty tools and supplies.
Rainbow Dash yelled. She tried to break free again, but the machine was relentless. “Rarity, I’m gonna kill you for this!”
The first arm approached with a soft brush, gently applying a pink hue to her eyelids. Another arm followed, carefully adding black mascara and a winged eyeliner. Despite her squirming, the machine continued its meticulous work, transforming her face with precision.
“Oh, come on! Not the makeup!” Rainbow Dash groaned with annoyance as she felt the cold touch of lipstick on her lips. The machine coated them in a glossy pink color.
Then the mechanical arms began applying a matching shade of pink polish to her nails. She could only watch in horror as the mechanical arms worked their magic, adding golden bracelets and heart-shaped earrings to her ensemble.
“This is a nightmare,” Dash mumbled humiliatingly to herself. The machine’s hands moved on to her hair, and began styling it into Rarity’s signature curls.
The machine’s metal hand gently grasped the bottle of fragrance and began applying its contents onto Rainbow’s skin. The smell of floral perfume filled the air quickly and tickled Dash’s nostrils.
Finally, the machine dressed her in a light pink long-sleeve crop top, a white skirt adorned with a belt featuring a light blue heart-shaped diamond, and white high-heeled boots. The finishing touch was a gem pendant that rested just above her newly transformed cleavage.
The machine finally released her and held out a mirror. Rainbow looked in the mirror and gasped.
“Oh. No, no, no!” she cried out.
“This isn’t me!” she tried to take off the accessories while struggling to balance on high heels. But they seemed to be securely fastened.
The door to the room creaked open, and Sweetie Belle walked in. Her eyes were widening in amusement.
“Rainbow Dash? Is that you?” she giggled, covering her mouth with her hands. “You look just like Rarity! I don’t think Rarity’s going to like that you’ve been messing with her things.”
Rainbow Dash’s face turned beet red. “This isn’t funny, Sweetie Belle! Help me get this stuff off!”
But before she could escape, the machine’s arms grabbed her again.
Sweetie Belle shook her head, still giggling. “No. Sorry. Looks like I’m going to play my PonStation’s games all day today while you’re learning some manners, Miss Dashie. He-he.”
This time, the robot guided her towards a treadmill that unfolded from the wall. “Seriously? A treadmill?” Rainbow Dash groaned, her annoyance growing stronger. The machine beeped, indicating it was about to start.
The treadmill started at a slow pace, forcing Rainbow Dash to balance on the heels. She wobbled, but the machine’s arms steadied her, keeping her from falling.
Hours felt like days as Rainbow Dash was forced to walk back and forth, the pace gradually increasing until she was strutting like a runway model. The machine wouldn’t let her leave until her walk was impeccable, each step confident and poised.
Next, the mechanical arms positioned her in front of a full-length mirror. “Now what?” she grumbled. The machine brought out a small sign, displaying instructions she had to follow.
“I’m beautiful
 I’m perfect
 I’m the most fabulous girl in the world
” She read them aloud. The frustration was clear in her voice. The words felt foreign and ridiculous.
The machine beeped angrily, indicating she needed to say it with more conviction. “I’m beautiful! I’m perfect! I’m the most fabulous girl in the world!!!” She cringed but kept repeating it until the machine was satisfied.
The machine then moved her to another part of the room, where it began teaching her various female positions. Rainbow Dash can’t help but obey the commands of this stupid machine. Eventually, it would stop or its battery would finally deplete; it wouldn’t last forever, Rainbow thought.
She arched her back, thrust her hip forward, and struck exaggerated modeling poses, each one more awkward than the last.
“Great, now I’m a model,” she mumbled, rolling her eyes. But the machine wasn’t done. It brought out a script, forcing her to practice flirting.
“This is humiliating,” she muttered, trying to hide her growing blush. The mechanical arms wouldn’t take no for an answer. Dash began practicing winking, batting her eyelashes, playing with her hair, and blowing kisses in front of the machine.
Rainbow Dash groaned as she was jostled awake by the relentless beeping of the robot. She drowsy tried to swat the sound away, but the metal arms grabbed her firmly and guided her out of bed.
“Now what?” she said in irritation.
The robotic metal arm handed her a neatly folded piece of paper. Dashie sighed and unfolded it.
“Prepare Sweetie Belle’s breakfast and bring it to her in bed,” she read aloud with sarcasm.
“Breakfast? Seriously?” Rainbow muttered, rolling her eyes.
The machine beeped, as if urging her to get moving. Rainbow begrudgingly complied. The machine’s arms pushed her gently towards the kitchen.
“Why should I do this? It’s not my duty,” she muttered to herself, angrily flipping pancakes.
Finally, the breakfast was ready, and Dash arranged it on a tray, adding a glass of orange juice. Then she picked up the tray and headed to Sweetie Belle’s room with the robot. The door was ajar and Dashie pushed it open with her hip.
Sweetie Belle lay sprawled on her bed, still asleep. Her face looked peaceful, with a hint of satisfaction, probably from the game she had been up all night playing.
“Your breakfast is ready, Miss Sweetie,” Rainbow said, trying to sound cheerful but failing miserably.
Sweetie Belle stirred, slowly opening and rubbing her eyes.
She couldn’t help but giggle at the sight of Rainbow Dash standing there in her ridiculous, glamorous outfit. “Wow, Kimberly’s really a good teacher, Miss Dashie. You look like a perfect little maid.”
Rainbow’s cheeks flushed with embarrassment. “Yeah, yeah, laugh it up. Here’s your breakfast.”
Sweetie Belle took the tray and set it on her lap. “Thanks, Rainbow. I regret that I stayed up way too late playing PonStation’s games. I’m so tired.”
The robot’s arms gently nudged Rainbow to Sweetie’s bed. She had one more instruction to follow - a foot massage while Sweetie eats.
Rainbow groaned inwardly but didn’t protest. Reluctantly, she sat at the end of the bed.
Sweetie took a bite of her pancake and then looked expectantly at Rainbow. “Well? Are you going to do something for me?”
Dash knelt at the foot of the bed and gently took Sweetie Belle’s foot in her hands. She started massaging it. “This is so humiliating,” she muttered, more to herself than to Sweetie Belle.
Rainbow’s hands worked over Sweetie Belle’s foot with a gentle touch. She kneaded the arch and pressed her thumbs into the heel. Sweetie‘s skin was soft, Rarity’s insistence on frequent pampering.
Rainbow couldn’t help but notice the faint lavender-scented shampoo still lingering on Sweetie’s skin.
“You know, Miss Dashie, you’re pretty good at cooking and massaging.” Sweetie Belle began. “Maybe you should do it for me every morning. He-He.”
Rainbow Dash’s face twisted in annoyance. “Don’t get used to it, Sweetie. This is a one-time thing.”
Sweetie giggled, wiggling her toes. “I dunno, Dash. Maybe you will change your mind.”
Rainbow scowled but continued the massage. “As soon as I figure out how to shut that stupid robot off, I’m done with this.”
“Mmm, that feels nice,” Sweetie Belle said, her eyes half-closed, and leaned back against her pillows.
Finally Sweetie Belle finished her breakfast and set the tray aside. She hopped out of bed and rummaged through her closet, pulling out her school uniform. “Thanks for the breakfast and the massage, Dashie. You’re the best.”
Rainbow rolled her eyes, watching as Sweetie dressed. “Yeah, yeah. Just hurry up and get to school.”
Sweetie Belle slipped into her uniform, then grabbed her backpack and skipped to the door.
After breakfast, the machine guided Dash to Rarity’s room, where another day of training awaited. Rainbow felt a pang of desperation but steeled herself, knowing she had to endure this until she could figure out a way to regain her freedom.
But Rainbow didn’t find a way to turn off the robot. Throughout the week, the machine was relentless. Every day was a new challenge. Rainbow Dash started acting more feminine, just to avoid the machine’s anger. She was exhausted, mentally and physically, and just wanted Rarity’s return.
When Rarity finally returned, she found Rainbow Dash waiting at the door, dressed to perfection. Rainbow’s smile was forced. “Rainbow Dash, darling! You look absolutely stunning!” Rarity gushed, her eyes wide with admiration.
Rainbow Dash leaned in, her voice a desperate whisper. “Rarity
 help me! This machine is driving me crazy!”
Rarity’s eyes sparkled with excitement. “Oh, Rainbow Dash, you look so beautiful! Kimberly, hold her still.”
“What? Wait, Rarity, no!” But it was too late. The mechanical arms grabbed her arms.
 what are you doing?” Rainbow Dash whimpered, her eyes pleading with her friend for understanding and mercy.
Rarity stepped closer. Her fingers were trailing down Rainbow Dash’s cheek. “You’ve outdone yourself, darling. I think it’s time for a little reward for you,” she whispered.
Rainbow tried to speak, but Rarity silenced her with a passionate kiss, their lips melding together. The machine held her still, allowing Rarity to take her time, savoring every moment.
Rarity’s kiss was mesmerizing. Her tongue dancing with Rainbow Dash’s. Rarity finally pulled away and Dashie gasped for breath.
“R-Rarity, what was it?! I don’t like girls!!” Rainbow Dash muttered in a shaky, angry voice.
Rarity smirked. Her eyes are dark with desire. “Oh, darling. Sorry, but today you belong to me and now I will teach you to love them.” She ran her fingers down Rainbow’s neck.
Rarity’s hands were unfastening the buttons on the crop top, revealing Rainbow’s bare skin. The machine’s arms moved to assist. It gently pulled the white skirt and the pink panties away and left Rainbow Dash’s pussy exposed.
 stop.” Rainbow Dash whispered with fear in her voice.
Rarity’s lips curled into a smile. “Relax, Dashie. You’re going to enjoy this.” She leaned in, kissing Rainbow’s neck and trailing her tongue down to her collarbone. Rainbow Dash moaned softly. Her body was responding to the touch despite her initial resistance.
As Rarity’s hands slid down Rainbow Dash’s sides, the machine’s arms adjusted her position, spreading her legs and exposing her hairy and slightly smelly pussy. Rarity knelt down. Her eyes locked onto Rainbow’s. “You’re so gorgeous, so sexy, so.. smelly. But I even like this gorgeous dirty pussy odor, my friend.” she murmured before her tongue darted out, teasing Rainbow’s sensitive pussy.
Rainbow Dash gasped. Her body was tensing as pleasure shot through her. “Oh, damn, Rarity. Stop
 this madness. I’m not 
 a lesbian.” she moaned.
Rarity’s tongue moved with expert precision, licking and sucking on Rainbow’s smelly clit, sending waves of ecstasy through her body.
Her fingers joined in, sliding into Rainbow Dash’s wet pussy to hit that perfect spot. Unconsciously, Rainbow’s thighs pressed against Rarity’s mouth, desperate for more.
Rainbow’s mind was a haze of pleasure. “Rarity,
” she begged. But her voice was breaking.
Rarity showed no mercy. Her tongue and fingers were continuing their relentless assault on Rainbow’s wet pussy.
Just when Dash thought she couldn’t take any more and was on the verge of an orgasm, Rarity commanded the machine to adjust its position again, lifting Dash’s legs higher and spreading them even wider.
Rarity stood up, putting her clothes away and revealing her perfectly sexy, flawless white form.
Rarity brought a purple dildo in her hand. Her eyes were meeting Rainbow Dash’s, and Dash looked away. She was too overwhelmed to protest.
Rarity positioned the dildo at Rainbow’s tight pussy. Slowly, she pushed it inside, filling Rainbow Dash completely. The sensation was almost too much, and Rainbow Dash’s body trembled with pleasure.
“You’re so tight, darling,” Rarity whispered.
“It feels good, oh.” Rainbow Dash thought. Her body arching towards Rarity.
Rarity began to thrust the dildo in and out. Each movement was sending shockwaves of pleasure through Rainbow Dash’s pussy, pushing closer to the edge.
Then Rarity walked to the table. Rainbow Dash’s heart raced as she watched Rarity put on a double-sided strap-on. She felt hopeless. She squirmed. But the machine’s grip was unyielding. But that feeling made her pussy tingle.
Rarity’s eyes gleamed with lust as she approached her. The dildo was bobbing with each step. She ran her finger along Rainbow’s cheek, then down her neck, stopping just above her chest. Rainbow’s nipples became firm. “Are you ready for me, darling? It’s time for real fun!” she said, her voice dripping with desire.
Rainbow Dash bit her lip. Her mind has a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. “Rarity, I don’t like that
 I can’t move. This is
 it’s too much. Release me please
Rarity leaned in. Her breath was hot against Rainbow’s ear. “Shhh, darling. Believe me. You’ll love this.” She kissed Rainbow Dash deeply again. Her tongue was exploring every inch of her friend’s mouth.
Rainbow Dash’s breath hitched as Rarity guided the dildo to her entrance of her pussy, teasing her with the tip.
“Rarity, please
 I’m not a lesbian. Release me please..,” she said barely audible now, but her body was aching with desire.
With a slow, deliberate push, Rarity entered her, the sensation overwhelming. Rainbow Dash gasped, her eyes rolling back as Rarity filled her completely. “Oh!”
Rarity began to move. Her thrusts were steady and deep. Each one was sending jolts of pleasure through Rainbow’s body.
“You feel so good, Dashie,” she murmured. “So tight and wet for me.”
Rainbow Dash’s mind was a haze of ecstasy, and her body was arching with each thrust. The machine held her firmly, preventing her from moving, forcing her to take every inch of Rarity’s strap-on. “Oh God”
Rainbow Dash’s body trembling as an orgasm built within her. The feeling of being helpless, being completely at Rarity’s mercy, was intoxicating. Rarity’s thrusts became more erratic. Her own moans of pleasure were mingling with Rainbow’s.
Rarity’s pace quickened, and her hips were slamming into Rainbow’s with increasing intensity. “You like being my little plaything, don’t you? I can see it in your face.” she taunted, her voice a seductive purr.
The words pushed Rainbow Dash over the edge. And she screamed. Her pussy clenched around Rarity’s strap-on, waves of pleasure radiating from her pussy.
Rarity continued to fuck her through the orgasm. “That’s it, darling!” she said, her own climax approaching.
With a final, deep thrust, Rarity let out a guttural moan, her own orgasm shaking her. She collapsed against Rainbow Dash. Their bodies were slick with sweat and heat.
The machine finally released its grip, allowing Rainbow Dash to move. She fell into Rarity’s arms.
“Rarity,” she whispered. “I didn’t think 
 I would like it, but
Rarity smiled widely. “Did you like it?”
Rainbow Dash nodded. “Yeah. I did. The bondage. The control
 it was amazing.”
Rarity’s eyes sparkled with delight. “I’m glad you liked it!”
Rainbow Dash asked shyly. “Maybe we can continue such sessions another time?”
Rarity grinned. “Certainly! Rainbow! And remember, from now on you’re mine, darling. Get used to it.”
“Yes, Rarity, I’m yours,” Rainbow Dash replied, her voice now shaking with lust and submission.

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