1-2. school daze
3. the maud couple
4. fake it 'til you make it
5. grannies gone wild
6. surf and/or turf
7. horse play
8. the parent map
9. non-compete clause
10. the break up breakdown
11. molt down
12. marks for effort
the mean 614. a matter of principals
15. the hearth's warming club
16. friendship university
17. the end in friend
18. yakity-sax
19. on the road to friendship
20. the washouts (episode)
21. a rockhoof and a hard place
>Then they will challenge the argument that A.I. art is not ‘real art’
imagine having a gift of prophecy and spending it on one derpibooru comment
Glad we’re on the same page.
It’s a good basis, but kinda derpy looking. Â
If you want art with any sort of actual direction or theme, you need to talk to an actual artist.
This one’s just inspiration.
No, but real art will definitely be valued much higher in the near future. Then they will challenge the argument that A.I. art is not ‘real art’ and will eventually legalize A.I. marriage. THEN my friend, you must speak up for yourself. Die by your words. Speak up now, proud and loud, and you will never be silenced.