One of these days, I’ll convert my mess into a single JSON, but I just find it way easier to maintain as separate files. It is currently 740 separate wildcard files.
Search Results
Creative Corner » ADetailer » Post 4
Because if I’m going to generate stuff that’s ‘not good enough’ to do all the manual editing on, but still interesting enough to share with my friends, I’d rather it look better than worse.
Because if I’m going to generate stuff that’s ‘not good enough’ to do all the manual editing on, but still interesting enough to share with my friends, I’d rather it look better than worse.
Creative Corner » Pony Wildcards » Post 4
@Scarlet Ribbon
Nothing really, just anything that is specific to ponies/mlp/derpibooru, of anatomy, characters, copyrights, artists, etc. I am going to go through and do it myself for PDXL, I just figured I’d see if anyone had anything they thought was worth sharing.
Nothing really, just anything that is specific to ponies/mlp/derpibooru, of anatomy, characters, copyrights, artists, etc. I am going to go through and do it myself for PDXL, I just figured I’d see if anyone had anything they thought was worth sharing.
Creative Corner » ADetailer » Post 3
With the Noob based models at least, it’ll get the cutie mark right some of the time, and if it gets it wrong, then ‘detailing’ it (masked inpainting) will usually get it right after a few tries if it understands the character. For more obscure characters this doesn’t work. For example, with >>34015 I had to manually edit the cutie mark in and then masked inpaint it a few times to blend it in.
With the Noob based models at least, it’ll get the cutie mark right some of the time, and if it gets it wrong, then ‘detailing’ it (masked inpainting) will usually get it right after a few tries if it understands the character. For more obscure characters this doesn’t work. For example, with >>34015 I had to manually edit the cutie mark in and then masked inpaint it a few times to blend it in.
Creative Corner » Pony Wildcards » Post 3
What specifically are you looking for? I have extremely extensive wild card stuff, but it is primarily smut oriented and it is also a convoluted mess that is designed to work with a specific workflow that I maintain.
What specifically are you looking for? I have extremely extensive wild card stuff, but it is primarily smut oriented and it is also a convoluted mess that is designed to work with a specific workflow that I maintain.
Almost everything with my prompter tag on this entire site uses that workflow.
Still, if you have specific things you’re seeking, I can probably fish out something more generically useful.
Creative Corner » Text-to-image prompting » Post 26
I have the same GPU. I can generate a 1024x1024 image in Comfy UI in less than 15 seconds. I don’t know what was up with automatic1111, but I was getting similarly glacial performance on it.
I have the same GPU. I can generate a 1024x1024 image in Comfy UI in less than 15 seconds. I don’t know what was up with automatic1111, but I was getting similarly glacial performance on it.
Strongly recommend you just get rid of it and learn a different front end.
Creative Corner » ADetailer » Post 2
I don’t really see the point of an ‘ADetailer’ for cutie marks when you could just use an editing app to add the correct cutie mark manually. I get the idea of using an ADetailer for things like making horse pussy more correct / accurate, but why make a cutie mark-specific ADetailer LORA if the AI is going to keep messing up the cutie marks anyway? I can understand the usefulness of using an ‘ADetailer’ for cutie marks in 3D images, but it doesn’t seem as necessary for 2D ones.
Creative Corner » ADetailer » Post 1
I do the same process as adetailer a lot, except for the automatic masking. The models themselves don’t actually change anything, they just automatically mask areas, which is then used for low-denoise only-masked inpainting.
I do the same process as adetailer a lot, except for the automatic masking. The models themselves don’t actually change anything, they just automatically mask areas, which is then used for low-denoise only-masked inpainting.
Creative Corner » ADetailer » Topic Opener
Anyone else using ADetailer in there image generations?
The out of the box
face detection model is decent at detecting and improving faces, even pony/cartoon ones.There are pony specific models as well:
Creative Corner » Text-to-image prompting » Post 25
Great idea! Img2img and inpainting are invaluable tools and it would be useful to describe them in detail. Things like denoising strength and the difference between “Whole picture” vs “Only masked” for the inpaint area are extremely important here.
Great idea! Img2img and inpainting are invaluable tools and it would be useful to describe them in detail. Things like denoising strength and the difference between “Whole picture” vs “Only masked” for the inpaint area are extremely important here.
Creative Corner » Text-to-image prompting » Post 24
I used Photoshop for drawing the scribbles, and then moved the images to Forge UI for inpainting. I’m planning to describe some of my learnings and creative process in a shared guide website. I’ll post about it on tantabus discord and create a forum thread on tantabus when it’s more-or-less ready. I’d like to collect all the tips and tricks and organize them on a convenient medium for beginners study.
I used Photoshop for drawing the scribbles, and then moved the images to Forge UI for inpainting. I’m planning to describe some of my learnings and creative process in a shared guide website. I’ll post about it on tantabus discord and create a forum thread on tantabus when it’s more-or-less ready. I’d like to collect all the tips and tricks and organize them on a convenient medium for beginners study.
Creative Corner » Text-to-image prompting » Post 23
Really cool to see WIP steps like this and have them explained.
Really cool to see WIP steps like this and have them explained.
And your sketching abilities are way ahead of mine. :p
What program do you use for SD?
Do you handle all the painting in it, or do it elsewhere and move it over to SD?
Do you handle all the painting in it, or do it elsewhere and move it over to SD?
Creative Corner » Text-to-image prompting » Post 22
Getting the composition as you want may be too big of a work for
. I recommend you to try inpainting with a colored scribble (coloring is important to make AI get the colors right).For example, this is how I got Fluttershy inplanted into the scenery of this image:
Yeah, you can tell my drawing skills aren’t that good, but Zoinksnoob nailed Flutty almost immediately after I pasted it there and inpainted that area with a denoising strength of something like 0.7+. Sometimes it takes several iterations of drawing a scribble, then letting inpainting improve the detail, and then improve that more detailed version with some lighter scribble to get things exactly as you want.
Creative Corner » Post Your AI Art! » Post 38
Two times that I’ve done Tirek - one just as himself, and one in cosplay:
Creative Corner » Text-to-image prompting » Post 21
Yes, tried 3 or 4 of classroom LoRAs, and played around adjusting LoRA weights and prompts with them.
Yes, tried 3 or 4 of classroom LoRAs, and played around adjusting LoRA weights and prompts with them.
Typical problems I had with them, would be thatit insisted on the pony being at the very forefront / focus of the image and taking up half the image, very stretchy pony bodies, wrong size in relation to the room, messed up wall corners and such, pony bodies morphing into the desks, getting desks to look coherent (size, legs, also problem morphing into each other)
It can probably be fixed with extensive inpainting or something, but I should be able to get decent results with just prompting correctly, even without using LoRAs. (Most of my time on this has been spent without them, and I’ve gotten some half-decent results.)
Thinking I should probably look into ControlNet, but am uncertain if it will detect and adjust equine poses correctly.
Creative Corner » Text-to-image prompting » Post 19
Spent hours doing a classroom scene, without even getting the room to where I was satisfied with it, let alone the pony and the pose and interaction within the room.
The tips I received earlier with describing the room in greater detail (floor, ceiling, walls, wall decor, windows..) has proven to be an invaluable advice, but it’s often not enough, at least not the way I’ve done it.
Then after some (ok, many..) hours of fiddling with that, I decided to do another idea I had, which would focus mainly on a basic flank pose and the tail. For a change of scenery, I plopped down a single line describing a bedroom just to have something other than a classroom going on in the image, and it created lots of beautiful bedroom images. (Getting the tail to how I want it seems to be more difficult in this instance compared to the rather basic pose I tried in the classroom scene though.)
Long story short, prompting difficulty can vary greatly just by what location you try to prompt for. Bedrooms, at first glance for me at least, seem to be on the easier side. My main issues with them though, is that the bed is often malformed, and the size isn’t correct ratio to the character.
Creative Corner » Pony Wildcards » Post 2
Incidentally, if someone was trying to use this with, say, the dynamic prompts extension, you’d save it in the wildcards folder, and type a prompt like:
__pony/mare__ in a forest looking back at you
The “untrained” section, IIRC, was where I was sticking any character names that didn’t seem like they were working properly for me at the time…
Creative Corner » Pony Wildcards » Post 1
Well, I had this sitting around on my hard drive as ‘pony.json’, but I’m pretty sure it’s something I threw together one day and forgot about…
"pony": {
"header": {
"score": [
"score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, score_6_up, score_5_up, score_4_up"
"pony_sfw": [
"__pony/header/score__, rating_safe, source_pony"
"pony_questionable": [
"__pony/header/score__, rating_questionable, source_pony"
"pony_explicit": [
"__pony/header/score__, rating_explicit, source_pony"
"furry_sfw": [
"__pony/header/score__, rating_safe, source_furry"
"furry_questionable": [
"__pony/header/score__, rating_questionable, source_furry"
"furry_explicit": [
"__pony/header/score__, rating_explicit, source_furry"
"anime_sfw": [
"__pony/header/score__, rating_safe, source_anime"
"anime_questionable": [
"__pony/header/score__, rating_questionable, source_anime"
"anime_explicit": [
"__pony/header/score__, rating_explicit, source_anime"
"cartoon_sfw": [
"__pony/header/score__, rating_safe, source_cartoon"
"cartoon_questionable": [
"__pony/header/score__, rating_questionable, source_cartoon"
"cartoon_explicit": [
"__pony/header/score__, rating_explicit, source_cartoon"
"cmc": [
"Sweetie Belle",
"Apple Bloom",
"Babs Seed",
"untrained": {
"filly": [
"Dinky Doo",
"Peachy Pie",
"Sunny Daze",
"Wind Sprint",
"Lily Longsocks",
"filly scout Tag-A-Long",
"Ruby Pinch",
"colt": [
"Shady Daze",
"Tender Taps"
"mare": [
"Auntie Lofty",
"Aunty Holiday",
"Cloud Chaser",
"Cloud Kicker",
"Suri Polomare",
"Upper Crust",
"Potion Nova",
"Jazz Hooves"
"stallion": [
"Argyle Starshine",
"Bulk Biceps",
"Carrot Cake",
"Doctor Caballeron",
"Doctor Hooves",
"Double Diamond",
"Filthy Rich",
"Prince Blueblood",
"{Fancy Pants|Fancypants}",
"Hoity Toity",
"Hondo Flanks",
"Jet Set",
"Bow Hothoof",
"{Star Swirl|Starswirl} the Bearded",
"Zesty Gourmand"
"filly": [
"Sweetie Belle",
"Apple Bloom",
"Babs Seed",
"Silver Spoon",
"Diamond Tiara",
"Cozy Glow",
"Flurry Heart",
"{|Princess }Woona"
"colt": [
"Button Mash",
"mane_six": [
"Twilight Sparkle",
"Pinkie Pie",
"Rainbow Dash"
"mare": [
"{Bonbon|Sweetie Drops}",
"Derpy{| Doo| Hooves}",
"{Vinyl Scratch",
"Octavia Melody",
"{Golden Harvest|Carrot Top}",
"{The Great and Powerful Trixie|Trixie Lulamoon",
"{Aloe Vera|Lotus Blossom} spa",
"Amethyst Star",
"Berry Punch",
"Cherry Berry (yellow mane)",
"Coco Pommel",
"Cookie Crumbles",
"Cup Cake",
"Lily Valley",
"{Fleur de Lis|Fleur Dis Lee}",
"Granny Smith",
"Izzy Moonbow",
"Lemon Hearts",
"Lightning Dust",
"Limestone Pie",
"Marble Pie",
"Maud Pie",
"Lyra Heartstrings",
"Mayor Mare",
"Misty Brightdawn",
"Ms. Harshwhinny",
"Ms. Peachbottom",
"Night Glider",
"Nurse Redheart",
"Opaline Arcana",
"Pear Butter",
"Phyllis Cloverleaf",
"Pinkie Pie",
"Pipp Petals",
"Posey Bloom",
"Princess {Cadence|Cadance}",
"Princess Celestia",
"{Princess |}{Luna|Woona}",
"Queen Chrysalis",
"Queen Haven",
"Rainbow Dash",
"Saffron Masala",
"Sapphire Shores",
"Sassy Saddles",
"Spoiled Rich",
"Starlight Glimmer",
"Sugar Belle",
"Sunny Starscout",
"Sunset Shimmer",
"Tempest Shadow",
"Tree Hugger",
"{Princess |}Twilight Sparkle",
"Twilight Velvet",
"Windy Whistles",
"Zipp Storm",
"Creamy Heart"
"stallion": [
"Big Macintosh",
"Alphabittle Blossomforth",
"Bright Mac",
"Cheese Sandwich",
"Flash Sentry",
"Hitch Trailblazer",
"King Sombra",
"Night Light",
"Shining Armor",
"Sprout Cloverleaf",
"Zephyr Breeze"
"princess": [
"Princess Celestia",
"{Princess |}{Luna|Woona}",
"Princess {Cadence|Cadance}",
"Princess Twilight Sparkle",
"Princess Flurry Heart",
"{|Princess }Pipp Petals",
"{|Princess }Zipp Storm"
Edit: Noticed “quick” was in some spots where it shouldn’t have been, so I took that out.
Creative Corner » Pony Wildcards » Topic Opener
Does anyone have any pony/derpi specific wildcard lists?
Creative Corner » Zebrasub generation (18+) » Post 1
little late but you can try to define the zebra as pony.
That and you can brute force it with a regional prompter to define each section separately.
feral pony, red stallion, zebra pony, prone bone, from side, horsecock
That and you can brute force it with a regional prompter to define each section separately.
Creative Corner » Generation methods, UI » Post 13
The seed never seemed to set which combination was chosen and even if I connected a text output to display it wouldn’t save the metadata properly if I did more than one image gen at once.
The seed never seemed to set which combination was chosen and even if I connected a text output to display it wouldn’t save the metadata properly if I did more than one image gen at once.
@Lord Waite
Yeah, it’s a pain. I have access to an unreleased node that does work properly in that it directly maps seed value to selection. I’ll try to remember to post it here once it’s out.
Yeah, it’s a pain. I have access to an unreleased node that does work properly in that it directly maps seed value to selection. I’ll try to remember to post it here once it’s out.
Creative Corner » Generation methods, UI » Post 12
Reproducibility could definitely be better. You pretty much want to make sure you’ve got a node showing what the output was, and copy it down somewhere if you want to keep it…
Creative Corner » Generation methods, UI » Post 11
So basically the chosen input does not get saved to any output, it just lists e.g. “style of <artist-list.txt>” in the output?
So basically the chosen input does not get saved to any output, it just lists e.g. “style of <artist-list.txt>” in the output?
Creative Corner » Generation methods, UI » Post 10
I have not had great success with any of the dynamic prompt nodes that I’ve tried in ComfyUI. They did the job of randomly choosing, but had no reproducibility, which made them useless for testing artist tag combinations.
I have not had great success with any of the dynamic prompt nodes that I’ve tried in ComfyUI. They did the job of randomly choosing, but had no reproducibility, which made them useless for testing artist tag combinations.
Showing results 101 - 125 of 242 total
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