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Site and Policy » Opening Thread » Post 119

Site and Policy » Opening Thread » Post 118

Site and Policy » Opening Thread » Post 117

Site and Policy » Opening Thread » Post 116


Well, that’s a summary of intent; the actual rule wording there is
Do not attempt to deceive or mislead regarding the origins or creators of an image. Regarding artists in the pony and furry fandoms, this can include copying their signature, or perfectly mimicking their unique style (combined with themes) to the point viewers would believe it’s their work.

Site and Policy » Opening Thread » Post 115

“Style copying” only affects when the style is mimicked perfectly
Is the kind of confusing phrasing I expected and feared. Because even the artists themselves don’t get their own style perfect sometimes. The intent of this rule should be stated without room for misunderstandings like flagging art for being “too good” in one person’s eyes. This is the last thing you mods should want. So remove that line entirely and just focus on the impersonation part, whether it be intentional, or accidental by including an AI generated artist’s signature. These are the problems that need reporting, not for every piece of art posted here with detailed anatomy to get misflagged as copying aer0 zer0.

Site and Policy » Opening Thread » Post 114

Adorable Blue Fox

Got any cookies?
I’ve created the import tool and successfully tested it in my development environment. Here’s a preview of a small sample of the data it migrated:
  • Comment Importation: Seamlessly imports comments from a CSV file exported from the Derpibooru nightly dump into a PostgreSQL database.
  • Comment Updates: Updates existing comments in the database if they already exist, utilizing a mapped JSON file created during the first run.
  • User Anonymity Handling: Manages user anonymity for users who do not exist in the system.
  • Comment Suffix Details: Adds suffix details to comments based on user existence status.
  • Configurable Import Delay: Processes comments with a configurable delay between each import.
  • Batch Importing: Imports comments in batches, optimizing performance.
  • Callback Features: Includes callback functionality for various columns such as:
    • Match users based on usernames (since IDs differ across sites)
    • link comments to images based on descriptions containing the source URL and ID.
Additionally, if preferred the import user can be anonymous:
Just need to do some edge casing & checks and I’ll share the code, and it’ll need to be run by someone who has PostgreSQL access.

Site and Policy » Opening Thread » Post 113

Background Pony #B191
@Adorable Blue Fox
Thank you, adorable blue fox!
I was wondering if I’d have to port some “story in the comments” over manually. So you’re confident you’ll be able to help get the comments imported and posted to the right pages mostly automatically?

Site and Policy » Opening Thread » Post 112


Background pony enjoyer
I was mostly just jesting with it (though it is annoying to someone who really likes to add random tags) as I know it was put in place as a preventive measure and it’s better safe than sorry with vandals. I know that since I used to battle with them on wikis back in the day.
I was just caught off guard since I don’t recall something like this being on Derpi back when I had energy, motivation and time to add “[species] oc” tags every day.

Site and Policy » Opening Thread » Post 111

Adorable Blue Fox

Got any cookies?
I can collect all the ai content image comments; I have the script ready.
There are an estimated 29,381 images in total, with at least one comment on the first 317 pages (50 images per page) sorted on comment count.
I will collect the images with a 5 second delay between each request to avoid rate-limiting and server performance issues.
So, it’ll take approximately 23 hours to process all the images with comments.
For now, I will store the collected comments until Philomena’s development allows for importing comments. When that capability is available, we can decide whether to assign all comments to anonymous users, considering that most users who initially made the comments won’t exist on this site.
I have my dev environment for Philomena, so I’ll likely work on a solution for this. No promises at this stage, though.
Let me know whether to proceed or if you need any details from me.

I just looked at the nightly dump and found that the comments are part of it. Technically, the script to save all the comments via API is useless, and I can do it locally.
The only difference between the API and the dump is the saving of the user profile picture at that time, but if the comments are going to be posted anonymously or something else entirely, then it wouldn’t matter.
All the comments are now exported, and there are a total of 50,548 comments on images with the tag ai content and 42,435 comments on ai generated. I will have to export again before January 6, 2025, to get the most updated information.

Site and Policy » Opening Thread » Post 110


Unfortunate news; due to a major project ongoing for philo and limited dev resources, it’s looking fairly unlikely there will be any official porting of comments.
Someone wanting to have a crack at it should poke us first to avoid any sudden rate limits or potential bugs (comment reading is available through current API, posting however is not).

Site and Policy » Opening Thread » Post 109

Site and Policy » Opening Thread » Post 108


Go fsck yourself
Seems like the easy solution would be to maintain the tagging limit on anonymous/BgP users, and substantially increase it for registered users (or at least those who’ve been around for a while).

Site and Policy » Opening Thread » Post 107

Site and Policy » Opening Thread » Post 106


There is both a dark and a red theme - I assume you’ve already tried those and they weren’t what you wanted. When you say ‘proper’ are you talking about a theme on another site that we could look at to get a better idea what you mean?

Site and Policy » Opening Thread » Post 105

Site and Policy » Opening Thread » Post 104


Hmmm … that is true. The reason that limit exists is because of someone who used to vandalize tags. You might have seen them on other sites, like Ponybooru, changing all of the tags on images to cbat, or re-rating explicit images as safe.
I wonder though if that limit could be controlled with the same switch that says whether your uploads go into the approval queue or not? I’ll ask staff.
Update: This is possible, but will take some work to achieve. Sorry for the inconvenience in the meantime.

Site and Policy » Opening Thread » Post 103


Background pony enjoyer
“Reminder that tagging is important”
I’d love to help with the missing tags, but sometimes there are pictures with like 2 green tags and when I wanna do the tags there’s this annoying limit “ToO mAnY tAgS cHaNgEd”. Like, this picture had 2 tags, of course I need to add like 20 of them to the picture because the uploader didn’t care at all. JUST LET ME!

Site and Policy » Opening Thread » Post 102


That should be added now, thanks!
As mentioned, that’s OK; ideally there’d be something that lets people know about it to avoid error or confusion.
Tagging (and filtering by it) would be good, but I’m not sure there’s the bandwidth for that; as in, uploaders probably wouldn’t tag their own stuff with “negative tags”, so there’d need to be a fair number of active users going around curating each image. It would be an additional workload, albeit distributed on more people that just mods, and avoid “unnecessary deletions”, but could also fail if there aren’t enough people going at it.
It’s something worth revisiting down the line, though.
@Background Pony #BAD9
It’s my hope that this site will have a fair amount of activity and that people can come here when they want to get a wall of nice pics, well organized pics, without dealing with the terror that is CivitAI or DA’s search/filtering systems.
For comments, there is a possibilty (but not a guarantee) that we’ll be able to copy those over.
For funding, everything is separate from both derpibooru and furbooru (and those from eachother). It makes accounting for what’s using (and costing) what, but also gives some surety that if one site gets hit by an orbital laser, the others will be fine. Currently the cost of running this place is fairly low, definitely not a concern, so I’m happy to carry it for the foreseeable future. If costs increase (which would probably be a symptom of a Good Thing), then I’ll look into the same sort of stuff used on derpi (donations and non-network ads).
Unfortunately the subject of AI (particularly for art) has a lot of… “passion” in it. I can understand where a lot of traditional artists are coming from, I’ve been in several AI focused discords (and other places) where people boast and relish in artists losing commission money, going unemployed, being made obsolete, etc. While those people may be a minority, their hateful or cruel comments are what leaks out and gets heard by a lot of artists, that then assume everyone that’s ever touched an AI generator is personally out to leave them destitute in the streets.
I really don’t know what to do about that; I wish people could just calm down and that assholes would go to therapy or deal with their anger some other way, but I’m just some guy.

We’d really hoped to have launched far far sooner and had more tech and policy issues sorted and tested out before now, but several major Real Life events got in the way that took priority. I’m hoping we can work out the kinks quickly and smoothly enough, but do ask for some patience while things are still in progress. If you have concerns or suggestions, we do want to hear them; there’s stuff we’ve already changed from it, and don’t see a reason to just set everything in stone now.

Site and Policy » Opening Thread » Post 101


3-3/4" Army Man Fan
There are plenty of staff who enjoy AI stuff (some of them are even over here, I believe), it’s just that it was apparently causing too much of a moderation problem to properly deal with.
Now with that said, yeah, some of the people over on Derpi are real dicks when it comes to AI art and AI content creators - calling them “pseudo artists” or “art thieves” and that AI art is “slop” - which, given some of these people’s own artistic contributions, brings to mind that old phrase about stones and glass houses.

Site and Policy » Opening Thread » Post 100


When I filed complaints about “Disrespectful attitude towards AI content” They were simply closed without consequences, what the hell discussion were they talking about?! A WHOLE YEAR!

Site and Policy » Opening Thread » Post 99

Site and Policy » Opening Thread » Post 98

Background Pony #BAD9
Thank you for the update. Here’s what I think of the new rules:
  • “Style copying” only affects when the style is mimicked perfectly, so much so that an average person would confuse the image with being an original from the artist. This is to prevent impersonation or affecting an artist’s reputation (for example, people pretending they’re the artist to take commissions as them, or creating images of a controversial nature to create fake drama).
This is a good way to approach this. It reminds me when almost everyone using Stable Diffusion would type “Greg Rutkowski” in the prompt. Not because they were trying to impersonate him or even “steal” his style, bus simply because his paintings tend to focus on medieval fantasy themes and have a “painterly” aesthetic, so using his name in the prompt would enhance AI images aiming for those kinds of things. But the results still didn’t look anything like a real Greg Rutkowski paining, nor was it what those AI users were trying to do.
Some artists tend to focus on certain themes and styles, and as a result prompts and LoRAs targeting those types of content will inevitably draw more heavily from one or two of these artists without the outputs necessarly matching said artist’s unique style.
I am fairly sure that many AI images on Derpibooru may have used some of those “forbidden LoRAs” and got away with it by covering their tracks and scrubbing any metadata that would have them banned, and those images stayed up because nobody noticed or cared since they didn’t appear deceitful and their uploader never pretended to be someone else.
This new version of the rule encourages people to be more honest and transparent about their processes while focusing enforcement on the bad actors, which is something I am all for.
  • Reminder that tagging is important; if you can prompt, then you can tag.
This touches on the same point. Models like ponyDiffusion and NovelAI heavily rely on tagging for their prompts, so people using them should already have most of the tags by the time they upload.
In the longer term it would be better to have a way to integrate prompts, model(s) used and LoRAs directly alongside the image and tags, maybe even with download links to the relevant tools. From my experience with the wider AI community, the sharing aspect that encourages the viewer to get involved and experiment with the tools themselves is very prevalent, so Tantabus should adapt its feature set to the unique aspects of AI similar to how Derpibooru provides features that cater to human artists’ needs.
Obviously, this would require quite a bit of development, so I understand if it is not in this website’s short-term roadmap, but this is definitely worth considering.
Until then at least, the tagging standards should be strong enough to act as a working substitute.
  • Non-AI images can be uploaded, but these should have some relation to AI (tutorials, sketches, speedpaints, etc.)
Good. This can be important if we want Tantabus to feel more like a community intead of just being a contextless image dump.
  • Quality checks simplified significantly
    • Initial rules and quality checklist was based off derpi’s requirements for AI Composition
    • These do not apply here; generations are allowed to have faults so long as they’re not just “trash”
    • Multiple examples removed, language made clearer to new intent, “acceptable” examples removed to avoid clutter
    • Simple rule of thumb: If it looks like a 2022-2023 Craiyon image from the thumbnail, it’s probably going to get deleted
This is the part I was concerned the most about. In their initial draft, the rules seemed too limiting. I can understand why they were like that on Derpibooru with non-AI artists uploading more slowly and risking being drowned-out by even moderately competent AI users. But here, since this is going to be more of a niche-specific booru, it didn’t make as much sense and only risked driving away interested creators (not to mention that the rules being so strict were likely one of the reasons why the derpi team got overwhelmed moderating AI content alongside all the other stuff going on).
I am glad that the updated rules give more room for different skill levels of AI content while stil addressing the zero-effort slop.
I am also glad that “ai generated” and “ai composition” got their own distinct guidelines to help better understand what these tags are expected to mean, as well as examples to help novice users know how to improve their generations.
While “ai composition” is still allowed on Derpibooru (for now), we should really encourage people to post them here as they tend to have some of the most interesting uses for AI and Tantabus would really benefit from their presence, both to raise the overall quality of the website and to encourage members to expand their artistic skills to other tools alongside AI.

This site is still a WiP, and we appreciate any feedback you have.
I’ll be honest, when the announcement was first made, I was really worried. The way the policy update was just dropped on us with poor communication and handled terribly by the Derpibooru admins (handing out month-long bans to anyone voicing reservations while letting others flood the announcement thread with messages like “Yeah! good riddance AI “”“art””” bros be gone!”) made me convinced that this website was just gonna be a quarantined ghetto with no effort put into managing it just to keep AI content away while they ban it from derpi, only to abandon it when it dies from the unmanaged flood of slop.
It’s refreshing to see the staff here having more open communications and discussions about AI content and policies compared to how it was on Derpibooru.
Now, I hope we can make the most of this opportunity.
Only two things I am still worried about:
  • Older images losing their comments. There are plenty of valuable contents in there in there, in the form of both discussions/stories related to the images themselves and conversations about AI technologies and evolutions being visible in said images. If these images are to be deleted from Derpibooru, I really, REALLY insist that their comments ought to be preserved in some way.
  • Funding. I know you said this would be taken care of, but I would like to know more about how the money side of things is expected to be managed (is it grouped with Derpibooru/Furbooru or independent? What do the projected numbers look like?).

Site and Policy » Opening Thread » Post 97

I don’t think tagging would work. Uploaders probably haven’t been able to notice these issues in their pictures it their first place and I don’t think other users would be able or willing to do the job for them.
If the uploaders aren’t able to notice the issues, then they’ll upload their images even if they’re rule-breaking. If people aren’t willing to tag the problems, I’d assume they’re also not willing to report them. So then what’s going to happen to those images?
At least if tagging is the solution it can be implemented without putting a huge burden on the moderators.
I’m also wondering if it would be useful to have a rate limit for new users. E.g. limit users to one upload per day for their first month.

Site and Policy » Opening Thread » Post 96


Something of an artist
Thank you for the rules update, it looks more reasonable now.
As for the quality checks, it looks fair to me now, assuming these issues without skulls won’t be deleted most of the time.
I don’t think tagging would work. Uploaders probably haven’t been able to notice these issues in their pictures it their first place and I don’t think other users would be able or willing to do the job for them.

Site and Policy » Opening Thread » Post 95

This is an improvement, but the quality rule is still too vague for my liking, and I believe it to be at least mostly unnecessary:
If something has six fingers, tag it. If something has a “ghost” signature, tag it. Repeat for other issues. Then people who don’t want to see those things can filter them out. Why wouldn’t that work? You can even stress the importance of quality-related tags in the rules, and provide a global filter with the common ones.
Spam needs to be dealt with independently of quality - if a seasoned creator discovers Tantabus, we don’t want them burying everyone else’s images under 200 uploads, even if everything they upload is great.

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