@Adorable Blue Fox
doing the Lords work here!
doing the Lords work here!
Misc. issues with various site info pages:
- Rules in the report reason dropdown menu don’t match the site rules
@Background Pony #9ED6
would be good, since it is very recognisiable and people know what a booru is.
- We may delete images that unabashedly mimic existing artists if these appear to be harmful to their business or reputation
- eg. claiming to be the artist to take up commissions or merch sales
- or using the artist’s style to create images of a contentious theme, or one the artist is known to be against
- Images looking “kind of in the style of” or “giving the vibe of” are not a concern
- We (still) do not care about what prompts, models, LORAs, workflows, brushes, or whatever tools used
In terms of tags it should go like “artist:(used style)”?
In regards to Rule #1, ie. “style copying”
In regards to Rule #1, ie. “style copying”So, the artists have already kicked us out of DB with their whining. And now we will have restrictions here too?! Well, that’s too much.
Tantabus is intended to host images created using AI, either in their entirety or as a major tool in the creative workflow.