Character LoRAs - Want more character variety? Then check This List!

Opening Thread

Background Pony #B191
First, thanks for putting in the time and effort to build out the site and reaching out to the community for feedback. Both are really big tasks and I just want to show some appreciation for it. I think given the circumstances this site is the only workable solution to the AI art issue for a community like ours, but it’s still a lot of work.
I have a question about the future of “machine learning abomination” images. According to a plain reading of the quality guidelines it seems stuff like that isn’t going to be accepted and would probably be removed, but on the other hand some of it is hilarious (example). Would this be something decided on a case-by-case basis as long as it’s properly tagged at submission? Like, if it’s so obvious that someone isn’t trying to sneak in a poor piece as a good one?
Hey just a thought. Is it possible to import all the non AI art from Derpi onto here as well, and have it so that all new uploads on Derpi are immediately imported to here as well like the other Altboorus do?
Putting on a User hat rather than an Artist hat, I can’t really see myself using two different websites for pony content. If everything was available here in one place, then It would be insanely convenient (like Derpi was until two weeks ago). If you had all the content here, then I could see the site becoming more popular than Derpibooru over time.
I don’t know what your hosting resources are like, but if it’s possible it would be great to see. Considering there is currently no limit to the number of uploads people can post, there must be considerable resources behind it.
I also think that is not a good name, considering a Tantabus is a soul sucking horror. It feels like someone who doesn’t like AI came up with it. I think or would be a much better name.
Anyway I appreciate the effort you’re putting in.

nickers softly @u
@Button Fixer
I’m pretty sure the other altboorus already mirror both new uploads to here and Derpi. The real question is whether you can tolerate the active users or the crickets elsewhere.

@Button Fixer
There is no plan to import non-AI images; this places’ focus should be, well focused on AI.
That said there is a planned feature down the line that could make life easier on that front.
As for the name, I chose tantabus because I really liked its design, it gave us Nightmare Moon, and it’s a play off how every other AI related site really goes full ham with “dream this” and “dream that”. I’d really rather avoid “sweetie” in the name as that’s a CMC character, and while Sweetie Bot is popular in much of the fandom, she’s still a minor, so the implications on site purpose from that are… not great.
If there’s some big clamor for a name change we might look into it, maybe to coincide with a big feature update or something, but honestly I’d rather not.
That’s fair enough about the name. I still think the addition of booru would be good, since it is very recognisiable and people know what a booru is.
Just a minor issue, but would it be possible to get images I have previously uploaded, added to the My Uploads tab? It’d be nice to see everything that originally came from me on here.

Merry Christmas.
And also, rules update for issues several have voiced concern about:
Rule #9, for image quality, has been amended to be less strict.
  • Short of an image looking like a late-state Picasso painting from the thumbnail itself, staff only expect the issues to be properly tagged
  • Images of exceptionally poor quality or with absurd errors may still be removed. The tech is well past the point where errors like >>2964 are “OK”
    • If you’re going for Thingpone or some sort of nightmare fuel, that’s understandable, but passing random failed generations as “I’m just channeling my inner Dali” isn’t
  • Tag Guidelines page has been updated, and relevant tags created and flagged as “important”
  • An additional default filter has been set up that spoilers these sort of common quality issues
    • This isn’t really meant as a common use filter, but is a convenience for anyone wanting to copy them to their own filters
In regards to Rule #1, ie. “style copying”
  • Text hasn’t changed since last revision, but policy has been clarified within staff (holidays etc.); apologies to anyone affected in the meanwhile
  • We may delete images that unabashedly mimic existing artists if these appear to be harmful to their business or reputation
    • eg. claiming to be the artist to take up commissions or merch sales
    • or using the artist’s style to create images of a contentious theme, or one the artist is known to be against
  • Images looking “kind of in the style of” or “giving the vibe of” are not a concern
  • We (still) do not care about what prompts, models, LORAs, workflows, brushes, or whatever tools used

Some of the text in the AI Quality page will need updating, but bear with us as that might take some time. As well, we’re aware that there are bits and bobs here still missing or looking funny; we’ll work on sorting things out as soon as possible.
Background Pony #04CD
Soo am I reading this right
We can copy styles as long as they not for sale and we properly credit tag them right?
Contentious theme is understandable
Sounds good to me
In terms of tags it should go like “artist:(used style)” and “prompter:(prompter himself)”?
Scarlet Ribbon

True Wildcard
@Background Pony #04CD
I don’t like the idea of tagging artist:(used style) for style emulation. That creates confusion that an artist might have made a work. I think “Style Emulation” as a tag would probably be the ideal, and maybe “Emulation:(artist)” if we absolutely feel the need to specify.

@Background Pony #04CD
General rule of thumb is you should avoid it…
Subjectively, it’s one thing to go “damn, this artist vanished before this character was introduced, would love to see them in their style”, and another to just use one existing style and never move on…
Rules-wise it continuously runs the risk of “artist X draws Y content, and they just released a Y content folio that has images just like these ones someone’s generating”. Even if unintentional, it veers into a shitty area. And mods get pulled into shitty areas, and nobody, not us and not you, want that; we’d like to be as hands off as possible without inviting pitchfork mobs and lawyers to rally at our gates.

As for tagging them… don’t. I’ve already witnessed way too many discussions where someone says “This looks exactly like X’s work” and loads of people agreeing only for it to not only not look remotely similar, but not even used anywhere in the workflow, and just built up from some guy’s overspecific focus on belly buttons or something utterly coincidental. Would be a whole lot of bad calls and effectively tag vandalism/vigilantism going around.

Also, fixing up a unique “your style” is actually fun, and makes your work look unique and identifiable as yours.
  • We may delete images that unabashedly mimic existing artists if these appear to be harmful to their business or reputation
    • eg. claiming to be the artist to take up commissions or merch sales
    • or using the artist’s style to create images of a contentious theme, or one the artist is known to be against
  • Images looking “kind of in the style of” or “giving the vibe of” are not a concern
  • We (still) do not care about what prompts, models, LORAs, workflows, brushes, or whatever tools used
That’s a relief!
In terms of tags it should go like “artist:(used style)”?
Literally the opposite of the entire point! Tagging art as using a style and reporting it as using a style are both incredibly subjective and bad. Reporting gives mods headaches, and tagging misleads viewers. If it helps, think of this without AI in mind. Would you ever tag someone’s drawn art as being in the style of another artist? No, that would be strange and rude… Except in those cases where that was the entire intent of the art, of course. So tags for JoJo style and such are fine. The amount of PokeHidden style images I’ve seen by various artists also makes me think that would be a safe exception to tag. Styles even when named after artists, are never owned by that artist. Copying styles is incredibly common and normal. So I only see reason to tag a style being in cases where it is a distinctive and common style like the two example above. (Though “distinctive and common” is a bit subjective, I can’t think of how else to word it.)
At least, that’s where I’d draw the line on style tags. To just use the same ruling as we’d use on a non-AI site. So like tagging attempts to look like the art is from a specific game or show.

In regards to Rule #1, ie. “style copying”
So, the artists have already kicked us out of DB with their whining. And now we will have restrictions here too?! Well, that’s too much.
Background Pony #B2FD
In regards to Rule #1, ie. “style copying”
So, the artists have already kicked us out of DB with their whining. And now we will have restrictions here too?! Well, that’s too much.
I disagree. If you look at how this rule is laid out, it specifically targets uses that would be either malicious or directly harmful to the artist by creating potential for confusion and impersonation.
This is already WAY more lenient than how it was on DB, where style emulation of any kind (even subtle or unintentional) was strictly forbidden when using AI (but somehow perfectly fine when a human artist does it).
Being a separate website from DB means we no longer need to appeal to the vocal minority of artists who constantly whine about “AI theft”, but that doesn’t mean we should tolerate genuinely harmful activities on this site, as there are many (even among the AI community) who would be uncomfortable with that.

@Background Pony #B2FD
It doesn’t matter what you disagree with there, I don’t care who steals what, even partially. I am for freedom of creativity, especially since part of the AI ​​content now has a separate website. Here we are simply talking about “Damage to their business, or reputation” It even sounds disgusting, considering the big words they use to cover up this shit. It’s all stupidly about money, moderators are protecting artists, and we’re just going to pretend that everything is fine? I will show the middle finger to everyone who tells me what I should do.
Background Pony #A394
Well, this-and-that happened, and I got as far as having one program that can take a list of text and extract Derpi links from it, and then a second program that can check a list of links for whether each one contains an AI-tag, spitting out another list containing all positive matches without repeats.
After that, I had intended to simply use a setInterval() of some sort that went to the sorted links and favorited them, but ran face-first into CORS. (Again, very little experience with working outside of a singular webpage at a time.)
I also have no experience with making userscripts, so I feel I’m a bit out of my depth there. I also could’ve sworn I saw a link posted somewhere between this thread and the one on Derpi that lead to a downloader that would specifically grab comments in addition to the image in question, but I straight-up can’t find the post now. Oof.
I really don’t get the impersonation part either. Isn’t this site primarly AI? Shouldn’t it be obvious that uploads are not from the original artists themselves?
Tantabus is intended to host images created using AI, either in their entirety or as a major tool in the creative workflow.
It made sense back on derpi when someone wasn’t posting the prompt and was using an artist LoRA to promote his patreon, but here that’d be entirely pointless.
Maybe you could ask for prompt/workflow if someone was suspected of replicating styles for profit or just ban patreon links, idk. Who would even pay for this stuff?

Just because something is posted here doesn’t mean it was posted by the creator, or that the creator intended this place to be the primary audience.
People do all sorts of crazy and incomprehensible things. The rule simply wants to prevent someone from going “I’m artist X actually, here’s my patreon, don’t worry about how I manage to complete comms in a day for half the price of my other patreon”, or mimicking someone’s style to gen contentious content (foalcon, politics, whatever) and pretend the artist did it themselves (something that’s happened surprisingly often with just normal style emulation).
We aren’t going to ask for prompts or workflows here. Just simply, if you’re going to use an existing artist’s style for an image, don’t intentionally try to pass it off as their actual work for any reason.
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