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We need quality standards

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Not an Artist
Hello and welcome to my little nitpick corner. I know the side is young and all, but we need a quality standard. And I’m not talking about AI mistakes. AI is not it its infancy anymore and it is really easy to generate general good looking ponies these days. (Especially since they don’t have hands.)
You can’t tell me this aren’t gen-dumps. Just by following any guide/video and using a free online gen you get better looking results. I picked these examples at random from the last ten 5-6 pages, but there are so many more.
We need a bare minimum beyond “please only whole ponies, not disfigured garbage”. To quote rule #9:
We strive to create a community that showcases the best of what AI has to offer, from raw generations to artworks that used AI as part of their creation process.

Something of an artist
Fortunately, you can hide tag “2022” to not see most of these images, but yeah, I don’t see a point in uploading over 100 very low quality images by this person.
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Most of these come from the pony AI infancy and some consider them artifacts or interesting for showing how things have progressed.
I can see about poking to skip on the worst of the worst, though.
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Latter Liaison
If old gens are kept for “historical value” and to show general progression, I guess one alternative could be to add tags like “low quality, early ai” etc to them, and have those tags in the default filter?
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ADHD fueled
Please use links to images on site if they are on the site so people can go to the direct pages themselves. I edited them for you.
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Not an Artist
Okay, that is a reason. But do we need to spam the site with them because of this? A few examples and then a collage would do the same trick. The recent 4-5 sites (with default filter) are flooded with them.
And hide them by default, so people have to opt in instead of out. These are, after all, old faulty pictures. In general we need a low quality tag. “Slob” was one of the main reason why the separation happened and I can see why. If you have a low quality doodle, at least someone tried and put time into it to produce it. Low quality slob gens I can put out 100+ an hour. We need a filter, we need to be a little “picky” with the pictures, since it is so easy to generate garbage. We don’t want the already few people interested in AI (other than us who produce AI pics) see all the slob and leave. What I am talking about (few random picked examples):
Any decent model can produce better quality with a few words in the prompt. This screams “I was to lazy to read the description” or “I was to lazy to read a quick tutorial”.
Thanks, will do.
Background Pony #5E6E
A lot of the “poor quality” images I uploaded. They’re old things I thought were good at the time they were originally made so saved and thought to share now that there’s a place for it. Maybe the original creators would get a kick out of seeing it again.
Will stick to just “the good stuff” now. Maybe a few “funny” things.
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Background Pony #0EAF
@truekry, @Background Pony #5E6E
IMHO it’s OK to upload low quality stuff if it’s low quality because it’s old. Just tag it as low quality plus add tags for specific problems (tag guidelines include problem tags).
I agree that the default filter should not show low quality images and images so terrible/WTF that they are funny.

Hidden seems a bit harsh, some errors are fairly minor and don’t detract much from the overall image. Spoiler on default would make more sense to me.
Of course, would need a proper spoiler image… maybe the olde cyclops?
(or Derpy… but everyone likes Derpy)
“Low quality” (and others) I feel might be too subjective, though, and vulnerable to weaponization.

ADHD fueled
It’s a shame people are using downvotes for things they don’t like, making votes basically useless to determine if something is well done.
Welcome to literally how 99% of people use downvotes as quality is subjective.

Not an Artist
Maybe split the tag in minor generation errors and major generation errors? Minor gets a pass while major is hidden by default?

This would be an example of minor errors. Window frame is not complete, slightly weird angle and headboard directly at window.
For major errors we have a few examples in my first post.
To use a tag like “low quality” low quality need a proper definition for AI. If I draw a quick doodle of stick figure ponies it would be “low quality” for a human. Most models have a very high “quality” by default if properly utilized.
These are 3 examples were in my opinion a “low quality” tag would be appropriate. The minimalist style was obviously not intentional and the weird body proportions speak of someone not using the base prompts (score_9, score_8_up, …).
Here are some examples what I would consider low detail, but not low quality:

The first is stylized and the second tried to be show accurate.
I know this could be weaponized. Any tag can really. But if we not use anything that can be misused, we would sit still in caves eating meals raw.
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